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How To Win Every Single Day
What if you could win every single day? Every single day that you rest your head on that pillow, will you be full of enjoyment, pride, and satisfaction? Chances are that’s not going to happen every single day because the majority of the time we don’t have control over what life throws at us and the conclusion of our day is up to external factors. However, there are a few key things that you can do in order to squeeze the most out of every day.
Success In 3 Steps
The formula for success really isn’t as complicated as people think. People tend to assume that you need this algorithm to succeed; you need secrets and insights from the greatest minds, and because of that, they think it's too far-fetched. So far-fetched that it’s not even worth trying. Whether they use that as an excuse not to try or truly believe it is up to the individual.
3 Habits To Change Your Life
When you hear journaling, you may think it’s something that monks or spiritual woo-woo people do to ‘connect with their inner self’. However, journaling has countless real-world benefits that, if you’re not taking advantage of them, you’re just missing out on. Don’t treat journaling as some spiritual thing; it's more of a release and a method to logically analyse your emotions. Lots of people, and men especially, tend to keep their thoughts, feelings, and emotions bottled up inside of them. Whether that’s because of how they were brought up or because of what the idea of a ‘masculine man looks like, they think it’s the right thing to do.
The Sacrifice To Success
If you want to grow to your fullest potential, you must be willing to give up some things that you value. You must change. Growing into your potential and filling it out will require becoming someone else—or at least awakening aspects of your personality and character that have until now lain dormant. If you’re willing to do that, then there’s hope for you.
How To Procrastinate Productively
We all procrastinate, some more than others, some for longer than others, and some more intensely than others, but it happens to all of us, and something that you haven’t been told is that procrastination is fundamentally healthy. You are delaying or postponing something because of the fear that you’re not yet ready to take action on it, so really, it's not the lack of preparation, knowledge, or skills, but the lack of action.
How To Change Your Future
Stop waiting for the stars to align and for things to fall into your lap before you take action. Chances are, if you have any ambitions or goals that you want to achieve, you’re waiting for ‘the perfect moment’ or for when ‘the time feels right, although you tend to forget that nothing is stopping you from dropping dead tomorrow. It’s a harsh truth, but it's a reality for you.
How To Stop Caring What Others Think
The harsh truth is that no one actually cares about you. Okay, that sounded a bit mean; what’s meant by that is that they don’t care as much as you think they do. We can’t help but think that people are always looking at us. When out at the shops or walking down the street, we get this anxious feeling that we have to walk a certain way and make sure we look good because everyone’s eyes are glued to us, right?
How To Grow At 'Super-Speed'
In life, we have 2 ways that we can learn and grow. Option 1: Go lone wolf, learn and fail over and over again until you succeed Option 2: Learn from others who have walked the path before you. The path that you choose to take is completely up to you, yet it’s important to know the difference because the decision you make will either mean you get to your desired outcome in your own time, picking up scars along the way, or you get there at ‘super-speed’ without the scars.
Change Your Life In 100 Days - Heres How
If you want to be successful and you’re looking for this hidden puzzle piece to put it all together, the piece you may be missing is what’s known as a 'training arc.' A training arc is essentially a period of time when you lock in. People may know this as ‘Monk Mode’ or ‘75 Hard', but it can be anything; it’s essentially just a challenge to yourself. A challenge comprised of rules that put you slightly outside of your comfort zone or rules that will help you grow as a person.
Are You Making Progress?
Are you actually making any progress? This is a question you’ll come to ask yourself at some point in your journey; maybe you already do ask it on a daily basis, and if so, you understand how this nagging question in the back of your head can drive you mad. More annoyingly, the answer to the question can only be answered by you because what may seem like progress to someone else is just vanity metrics in your own mind with no meaning, so how can you actually tell if you’re making progress?
How To Stay Accountable 99% Of The Time
The people you surround yourself with can either propel you forward or keep you trapped. They either bring you up with them or act as poison that keeps you in a cycle of mediocrity. You probably already know this, but when was the last time you looked within and analysed your own circle of friends?