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  • Change Your Life In 100 Days - Heres How

Change Your Life In 100 Days - Heres How

If you want to be successful and you’re looking for this hidden puzzle piece to put it all together, the piece you may be missing is what’s known as a 'training arc.' A training arc is essentially a period of time when you lock in. People may know this as ‘Monk Mode’ or ‘75 Hard', but it can be anything; it’s essentially just a challenge to yourself. A challenge comprised of rules that put you slightly outside of your comfort zone or rules that will help you grow as a person.


“The cost of success tomorrow is uncertainty today.”

Leila Hormozi


470 Words | 1 Min 43 Sec Read

If you want to be successful and you’re looking for this hidden puzzle piece to put it all together, the piece you may be missing is what’s known as a 'training arc.' A training arc is essentially a period of time when you lock in. People may know this as ‘Monk Mode’ or ‘75 Hard', but it can be anything; it’s essentially just a challenge to yourself. A challenge comprised of rules that put you slightly outside of your comfort zone or rules that will help you grow as a person.

Why might it be the missing piece? The reason is that a training arc is essentially throwing yourself in the deep end. Typically, when we want to ‘make a change, we do it gradually; we try to wake up earlier or develop a new habit, but there’s a reason why new year's resolutions (trying to develop a new habit) have a 75% failure rate: there’s not enough reason nor pressure for us to succeed in it, and that’s where setting yourself a training arc comes in.

It’s a challenge that you give yourself to complete the thing that you set out to do.

So how do you start a training arc, and which one is right for you?

In all honesty, you have a few options that are typically quite cookie-cutter. For example, the rules of ‘Monk Mode’ (one of the most popular ones) are as follows:

  • No alcohol or weed

  • 30 Mins of exercise a day

  • 10 Mins a day of meditation

But your best option is to either create your own training arc or choose one that has an end result based on where you want to be. Do you want to improve your fitness? Try 75 hard. Do you want to improve your lifestyle? Try Project 50.

Now, we came to realise that there aren't many training arcs out there that target a much more specific goal: changing your life as a young ambitious person and getting ahead of your competition, so we created Project Kaizen, which is a training arc that achieves a much more specific outcome, not just to improve your fitness or your mental health but to make more money and scale as an entrepreneur while improving your fitness and your mindset alongside it.

Project Kaizen is a 100-day challenge that has 6 rules:

  • Do something every day to improve the body

  • Do something to improve the mind

  • Produce something

  • Do something that makes you uncomfortable

  • Eat a clean diet that you can stick to

  • Meet one new person a week

That for 100 days every day which doesn’t seem too hard and that may shock you, how can that really have an impact? The trick here is doing it EVERY DAY for 100 DAYS. Consistency is what compounds and makes the change


If you want to get started with Project Kaizen yourself or just look into it out of curiosity we created a template where anyone can start their journey. Check it out HERE


A training arc is just challenging yourself in a much more intense manner; for some, it's exactly what you need to get you to the next level.


The Book of the week is ‘The Art Of Persuasion’ by Bob Burg. What is the book about? What if you could get what you want... when you want it...and from whoever has it? The Art of Persuasion teaches you how to get what you want when you want it. You would love to have that ability, right? Get it HERE


The creator of the week is @Clarkkegley. He’s a US-based self-improvement creator who creates content focused on helping you create the 2.0 version of you. He covers pretty much every topic that you could think of so is definitely someone to watch.


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