How To Procrastinate Productively

We all procrastinate, some more than others, some for longer than others, and some more intensely than others, but it happens to all of us, and something that you haven’t been told is that procrastination is fundamentally healthy. You are delaying or postponing something because of the fear that you’re not yet ready to take action on it, so really, it's not the lack of preparation, knowledge, or skills, but the lack of action.


“Do hard things simply for the sake of doing hard things. You don't need to wait for anybody's approval or permission.”

Mark Manson


418 Words | 1 Min 30 Sec Read

We all procrastinate, some more than others, some for longer than others, and some more intensely than others, but it happens to all of us, and something that you haven’t been told is that procrastination is fundamentally healthy. You are delaying or postponing something because of the fear that you’re not yet ready to take action on it, so really, it's not the lack of preparation, knowledge, or skills, but the lack of action.

As mentioned, it's inevitable, and if that’s the case, you need to learn how to procrastinate productively to essentially get the most out of it.

Now, the ideal situation would be that you don’t procrastinate in the first place, but if you've passed that point, here’s something that you can do:

Consume with intention.

Mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube videos is all part of procrastination; you’re trying to keep your mind busy and occupied so that you don’t have to face what's right in front of you, and the problem here is the ‘mindless’ part. That's the same thing that every other person is doing, so you have to learn to consume with intention—don't just consume to pass the time, but consume with the purpose of learning something, understanding something, etc.

For example, if you’re a content creator yourself, you may scroll while analysing the videos you watch and figuring out how they do well. If you’re on the mission of making money, you scroll with the intention of consuming the right amount of content and picking out what you can learn from it.

You can watch as many videos as you want and consume as much information as you want, and yet you’ll still get beaten by the person who consumes nothing and starts doing.

The importance of taking action is super understated; people see it as something you do when you’re ready to or when someone tells you to, but in reality, taking action should be your first step because you’re better off failing 100 times over through taking action than taking no action but preparing to.

No matter what stage you’re at in your journey, here is your sign to take action. Start doing, and as long as you’re willing to learn from it, you will scale much faster than anyone else.


Start doing, and you will never be fully ready because, the truth is, the majority of people don’t fully know what they are doing; they start doing and let the momentum carry them forward.


Procrastination is normal; we all procrastinate, and that's okay. What isn’t okay is using it as an excuse for why you’re not where you want to be and also not finding a way out of it. Use it productively and move on.


The Book of the week is ‘The Art Of Persuasion’ by Bob Burg. What is the book about? What if you could get what you want... when you want it...and from whoever has it? The Art of Persuasion teaches you how to get what you want when you want it. You would love to have that ability, right? Get it HERE


The creator of the week is @Clarkkegley. He’s a US-based self-improvement creator who creates content focused on helping you create the 2.0 version of you. He covers pretty much every topic that you could think of so is definitely someone to watch.


If you surround yourself with only people who make you better…you’ll probably get better than you are.

And if you’re that rare combination of ambitious yet humble - you may even get better than they are.

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