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Change Your Mind To Change Your Future
"If you’re looking at life as a possibility, you will see possibilities everywhere; if you’re looking at life as a problem, you will see problems everywhere." This quote from Sadhguru sums up this edition perfectly: Whenever people want to make a change, they tend to instantly look for problems and look for reasons as to why whatever they have set out to achieve is impossible. Very rarely do we make a change and instantly look for the positives because it's within our human nature to risk assess any situation, which basically means pointing out the possible negatives. Which makes it take a conscious effort to bypass your auto-feeling of "I don’t like this."
Do This To Never Lose Motivation
Have you ever started a project or goal with enthusiasm, only to lose motivation a few days or weeks later? Have you ever laid in bed one night and suddenly had a wave of motivation? You tell yourself that you’re going to wake up early the next day and go on a run or go to the gym, yet after four sessions, your routine falls apart and you stop going.
🌳 How To Get 5 Years Ahead In 2 Years Time
Time is finite; we all know this. It's the most precious tool that we have access to as human beings because it's the only thing that we all have a certain amount of, and it's rapidly depleting for every second that you’re reading this. Pretty depressing, I know. That being the case, as young, ambitious people, we can’t wait; we can’t let time run its course before we see success. We have to act now and not wait until we are 65 before we start living the life we deserve but live it as soon as possible, and the only way to do that is to manipulate how we use time.
🌳 You Need To Stop Changing Your Order
Take onboard this analogy to understand this concept: Say you were at a restaurant and you gave your order to the waitress. Five minutes later, you ask to change the order, and lucky for you, they haven’t started cooking yet. 5 minutes later, yet again, you ask the waitress to change your order; she tells the chef, and they start making your new order. 10 minutes later, you ask to change it again as you’re becoming impatient and overthinking what you ordered. Now say you did this over again three more times; you’re never going to actually receive your food as you keep changing what you want.
🌳 Use Skill Stacking To Make More Money
There’s this thing called skill stacking that is said to increase your VPH, also known as your value per hour, which is basically how much an hour of your time is worth. This is something that in the modern day a lot more people are starting to do, and here’s how it works:
🌳 3 Steps To Find Your Purpose
As a young person, guy or girl, with any kind of ambition or aspiration in life to do something with your life, the biggest challenge you will face throughout the majority of your journey is finding your purpose. Yet as difficult as it is, it’s also probably the most beneficial thing you could possibly do because finding your purpose bypasses the desire to make money, the desire to be famous, or the desire to have loads of friends. If you strip all of those vanity metrics down, you will come to a purpose, and you will ask yourself the question:
🌳 How To Master Consistent Growth
The Idea of self-improvement can be overwhelming. We see people who have achieved utter greatness, have done incredible things, and have lived many lives, and it makes you feel small and incomplete, and those achievements seem so far-fetched. In contrast, all you have to do is tweak the perspective. Those people didn't wake up one day and achieve those things; it was a compound effect of trials and tribulations, failure after failure, and most importantly, small bits of consistent growth.
🌳 The Secret To Passive Income
Passive income is a topic that consistently floats around on the money side of social media. It’s the idea that you can make money and generate income while not actually doing anything... That’s right, you can make money in your sleep. There are loads of different opinions and viewpoints over the legitimacy of passive income, if it exists, if it’s easy, and if it’s obtainable, and the short answer is yes or no.
🌳 How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (Starting Today)
Breaking it down: It’s simple. If you want to get ahead of 99% of people in the world, you need to be willing to do what the 99% aren't. Now this Isn’t through ‘goals’ or ‘discipline’ like you’re told it is, because if an action is common and all it takes is a Google search, then it's not going to make you successful.