Do This To Never Lose Motivation

Have you ever started a project or goal with enthusiasm, only to lose motivation a few days or weeks later? Have you ever laid in bed one night and suddenly had a wave of motivation? You tell yourself that you’re going to wake up early the next day and go on a run or go to the gym, yet after four sessions, your routine falls apart and you stop going.


“Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear the future.”



538 | 1 Min 58 Sec Read

Have you ever started a project or goal with enthusiasm, only to lose motivation a few days or weeks later?

Have you ever laid in bed one night and suddenly had a wave of motivation? You tell yourself that you’re going to wake up early the next day and go on a run or go to the gym, yet after four sessions, your routine falls apart and you stop going.

Sound familiar?

For you, this may be the case, and it just ends up with you being slightly annoyed at yourself and almost losing trust in what you tell yourself. And if you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?

Lack of clarity

Now, the first reason that people tend to lose motivation is due to a lack of clarity about what they are trying to achieve.

Why do you need motivation? Breaking it down, someone would typically need motivation because they are trying to achieve something, and working towards that goal is not necessarily what they want to do. Let’s say, for example, that you want to have your dream figure in the gym, and although you really do want the outcome and that’s what you’re focused on, the act of going to the gym every single day may not be what you love.

Therefore, you need motivation to carry out that action to achieve that goal. If you don’t exactly know what your angle is and you’re not 100% clear on what you’re working towards, then you’ll find it much harder. Whereas if you are 100% clear on why you’re doing it and what you’re trying to achieve, then motivation will come much more naturally to you because you know your mission, your reason, and your purpose.

So you can’t rely on motivation to carry you towards your goal; it’s your actions that do that, and this term that’s called motivation helps you complete those actions.


Another reason people tend to lose motivation is due to burnout. The term ‘burnout’ refers to the process that happens when you overwork yourself. It’s super common for high-performing individuals to have a strict goal that they're trying to achieve. The best way to envision it is to treat your brain like an operating system; if you don’t give it adequate rest when necessary, it will overwork itself and end up running slowly or not performing properly, and that is exactly what happens within your own head.

As a human, you need to listen to your own body. There was no manual we were given to state how much we could work or do a certain thing before burning out, and that’s because everyone is different.

Many people try to fight burnout and work through it, but if you look at it from a long-term perspective, you can either experience burnout and then go through a period of time where you’re under-performing but still cracking on while always performing at 60%, or you can take consistent breaks when necessary to correctly regulate yourself. Taking consistent breaks means you can always perform at 100%.

What would you rather perform at 60% for 10 hours or at 100% for 7?

Mathematically and logically, it makes more sense to do the latter.


Look within yourself and spot patterns where you seem to lose motivation, everyone’s situation is unique.


There are loads of tips and tricks to having endless motivation, but in order to have endless motivation, you have to figure out why you may lack it in the first place. Here are two of those reasons:

  • Lack of clarity

  • Burnout


The book of the week is ‘The E Myth’ by Michael E. Gerber, a book that walks you through the steps in the life of a business—from entrepreneurial infancy through adolescent growing pains to the mature entrepreneurial perspective: the guiding light of all businesses that succeed. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @LeonHendrix, a superb creator who makes content for those who are hungry for more in life. Each one of his videos is like its own movie, with fantastic storytelling and straightforward messaging.


We are controlled by the people we blame for our current circumstances.

The best person to give that power to is yourself.

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