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  • šŸŒ³ You Need To Stop Changing Your Order

šŸŒ³ You Need To Stop Changing Your Order

Take onboard this analogy to understand this concept: Say you were at a restaurant and you gave your order to the waitress. Five minutes later, you ask to change the order, and lucky for you, they havenā€™t started cooking yet. 5 minutes later, yet again, you ask the waitress to change your order; she tells the chef, and they start making your new order. 10 minutes later, you ask to change it again as youā€™re becoming impatient and overthinking what you ordered. Now say you did this over again three more times; youā€™re never going to actually receive your food as you keep changing what you want.


"Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th."

Julie Andrews


411 Words | 1 Min 29 Sec Read

Stop changing your order.

Take onboard this analogy to understand this concept:

Say you were at a restaurant and you gave your order to the waitress. Five minutes later, you ask to change the order, and lucky for you, they havenā€™t started cooking yet. 5 minutes later, yet again, you ask the waitress to change your order; she tells the chef, and they start making your new order. 10 minutes later, you ask to change it again as youā€™re becoming impatient and overthinking what you ordered. Now say you did this over again three more times; youā€™re never going to actually receive your food as you keep changing what you want.

For a lot of people, this is what they do in life to achieve their goals. They will tell themselves they are working towards something, and out of being impatient, they arenā€™t reaping the rewards, so they change what they want in hopes that they will receive it quicker, although all theyā€™re doing here is delaying the end result because you, as the chef, have to continuously change what youā€™re cooking up, whereas if you just stuck with what you originally wanted, you would achieve it much quicker than otherwise.

The world has a way of rewarding loyalty.

The world does have a very strange way of rewarding loyalty. Loyalty to friends, to your goals, and to your beliefs Loyalty over a long enough period of time results in what you were loyal for in the first placeā€”the reason you were loyal.

Be loyal to your goals, and they will be loyal to you is a common saying. Donā€™t listen to what others say, or better yet, listen to what they say, but stick with your gut and with what you know and believe, and you will stay loyal.

Pivoting is okay.

Although loyalty is well rewarded, this doesn't mean that strategically pivoting is out of the question. Albert Einstein says that "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome". So at what point do you pivot? Where is the line between being loyal and being stupid?

That's for you to make a judgement call on when the time comes, but remember that you can always change the vehicle that you take to reach your end destination. As long as the end destination is the same, however, you get there is temporary and can be adapted to when it suits.


There is no actionable next step to loyalty; you have to make sure that you follow through on the promises that you make yourself because this will set the foundation for how loyal you are to your own word.


The world has a weird way of rewarding loyalty.


The book of the week is ā€˜How to stop worrying and start livingā€™ by Dale Carnegie, the author of ā€˜How to win friends and influence peopleā€™. Carnegie details the many ways worrying too much can ruin your life and how to solve it. The book contains tips and tricks on conquering worries that are worthwhile. Read It HERE


The creator of the week is @DanKoe, a pioneer in the self-improvement space across all social platforms. He makes content focused on optimising your life in every way possible. From making more money to finding your purpose, heā€™s not one to miss out!


Stay loyal to your goals and your goals will stay loyal to you.

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