🌳 The Money-Making Paradox

"When I was 20, I wanted to be a millionaire... Now that I’m a millionaire, I want to be 20." You may have heard that saying before, or you may not have, but what does it actually mean, and why is it so incredibly crucial for you to understand?


“You cannot negotiate friendship, barter for love, or buy a sense of purpose. Anything meaningful in life is done unconditionally.”

Mark Manson


321 Words | 1 Min 10 Sec Read

"When I was 20, I wanted to be a millionaire... Now that I’m a millionaire, I want to be 20."

You may have heard that saying before, or you may not have, but what does it actually mean, and why is it so incredibly crucial for you to understand?

To truly understand it, you first have to understand what's important to you, and the common theme of importance in everyone’s lives is what we don’t have. We don’t have money, so our primary focus is to figure out a way to get it. As we get older and have less time, our focus becomes preserving what we have left, but why do we do that?

Is it our simple brains that struggle to appreciate and be grateful for what we already have?

Most likely.

Following that theme of chasing what we lack, as a young person, when you’re introduced to the world of social media and introduced to the lives of people whom you will never meet, you get exposed to ambition, greed, and luxury, and alongside it comes a deep-rooted need to have that too, and therefore we tend to try and chase it;

We sacrifice the current moment for the future one, and a trap that a lot of people tend to fall into is sacrificing their happiness now in order to have happiness down the line, which, looking at it from this perspective, seems extremely backwards.

Your lesson to take from this edition of The Kaizen is to not fall into the trap of sacrificing what you have for what you want, because it will only come true that you will end up wanting what you have just sacrificed, and you will stay on that cycle until you are grateful for what you have.

This doesn’t mean ignoring ambition, as that’s what gives us reason to wake up in the morning, but not letting it override what matters.


Practice gratitude, It is the only way to get off the hampster wheel of thinking something is of importance just because you don’t have it.


We sacrifice the current moment for the future one, and a trap that a lot of people tend to fall into is sacrificing their happiness now in order to have happiness down the line, which, looking at it from this perspective, seems extremely backwards.


The book of the week is ‘The E Myth’ by Michael E. Gerber, a book that walks you through the steps in the life of a business—from entrepreneurial infancy through adolescent growing pains to the mature entrepreneurial perspective: the guiding light of all businesses that succeed. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @LeonHendrix, a superb creator who makes content for those who are hungry for more in life. Each one of his videos is like its own movie, with fantastic story telling and straight-forward messaging.


Staying calm in a situation that used to stress you out is a powerful sign of growth.

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