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🌳 Make this investment in your 20's
Throughout all of social media, you will hear about all these amazing investments that you can make as a young person. That Crypto that's going to 1000000x or those stocks that will make you millions... In 50 years, or how real estate is the future investment of the world, bla bla bla.
🌳 How To Make The Most Of Your 20's
Your 20s are considered the most valuable years of your life. You’ve heard that before right, but Why? It’s simply because they are your prime years and more importantly the years where you are the most mould-able meaning you are most open to learning new things, developing new habits, and changing physically however most people throw them away.
🌳 How To Work Less And Get More Done
The days of hardcore, relentless grinding work being a one-way ticket to success have passed, and there's a new guy in town: Smart Work. Smart work is the Idea of not working 16 hour days, day in day out but Instead working much fewer and delivering a better overall more productive outcome. This leads to lower chances of burnout, less stress, more productivity, and overall a better quality of life. Here are a few ways that you can incorporate smart work into your life.
🌳 How To Build An Online Business From Scratch pt.2
Yesterday we covered part 1 and if you missed that head back to your inbox and search the following ‘How To Build An Online Business From Scratch pt.1’ and give that a read to be caught up. Just as a recap here are the first 3 steps: Step 1: Understand one problem that one specific group of people has. Step 2: Create a clear and concise roadmap to solving that specific problem. Step 3: Figure out your product format
🌳 How To Build An Online Business From Scratch
90% Of businesses fail, you’ve heard that statistic right? If you haven’t here’s your chance to get out before you even start. Go on, go get a job, it's much safer. If you’re still reading, It’s assumed that that statistic doesn't faze you and if that’s the case you’ve already completed step 1, you believe in yourself and that you can be of the 10% that does make it. The reason why people fail trying to start a business in the modern day is an exhaustive list ranging from picking the wrong niche, the wrong product or the wrong ideal customer.
🌳 The 8th Wonder Of The World
All the returns in life, in wealth, relationships or knowledge, come from this thing called compound interest. But what is it and how does one know if they are earning compound interest? Compound interest is a very powerful concept. The Idea of 'compounding' in plain English means that the more time you give something the better return you will receive, it's primarily known for compounding your capital or your investments but that's just scratching the surface.
🌳 How To Use Leverage To Your Advantage
Leverage is this superpower of a tool that will allow you to put in the same amount of effort on a task and get an unlimited x return on the output. The best way it can be described is like when you go over a speed boost in Mario cart. The track is your task, the speed boost is leverage.
🌳 The Importance Of Finding Your Purpose
As a young person, it is undoubtedly true that you need a purpose, you need a reason to wake up in the morning and something to give you drive because if you don’t you will end up feeling lost, hopeless, and depressed, just like you’re floating through life detached from your own accord.
🌳 A Characteristic Of Achievers
There is a common trap that the majority of people fall into when it comes to setting goals or striving to achieve something and that is the fact that they are reluctant to adapt. When setting goals the Idea is that you stick to those goals, you stay loyal to them in hopes they stay loyal to you but there comes a point when your goals no longer give you the best return on investment, mentally or physically and that's when you have to adapt.
🌳 The 80/20 Rule Of Happiness
Happiness is usually seen as an emotion produced due to countless different factors within your life. In reality, it is similar to the 80/20 rule where 20% of the action produces 80% of the result and with happiness is the same. Its 20% of things that result in 80% of your happiness. In fact, there are three things that will determine the majority of happiness in your life. 3 things that depending on how they are treated will either make you have a miserable existence or thrive to your fullest potential. So… what are those 3 things? What are the 3 questions you have to ask yourself?
🌳 Hacking Your Personal growth
Growth is all psychological, all of it. From mental to physical to spiritual it all starts with your mindset and your view of where you currently are but there is a 'mindset hack', if you like, that will enable you to grow in whatever aspect of life you choose to, and it's stupid simple. You increase your standard.