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  • šŸŒ³ How To Make The Most Of Your 20's

šŸŒ³ How To Make The Most Of Your 20's

Your 20s are considered the most valuable years of your life. Youā€™ve heard that before right, but Why? Itā€™s simply because they are your prime years and more importantly the years where you are the most mould-able meaning you are most open to learning new things, developing new habits, and changing physically however most people throw them away.


ā€œSuccess consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.ā€

Winston Churchill


366 Words | 1 Min 20 Sec Read

Your 20s are considered the most valuable years of your life. Youā€™ve heard that before right, but Why?

Itā€™s simply because they are your prime years and more importantly the years where you are the most mould-able meaning you are most open to learning new things, developing new habits, and changing physically however most people throw them away.

They treat their 20s as years to be degenerate and practically make them non-existent within their timeline as a whole. So to ensure you donā€™t become like most people, here are a few things to do to not waste your 20s.

Firstly, stop wasting your money on stupid stuff, like seriously you may think you have an abundance of it but it will run out before you know it. Treat your money as ā€˜time tokensā€™, the more youā€™re able to accumulate and save the more options youā€™ll have later on in life because as you get older you lose time but with money, you can start to buy it back indirectly.

Secondly, you have to go against the grain and not do what the majority of people do. If you want to be in the top 1% then you have to do what 99% of people wonā€™t do, spend time learning valuable skills, and developing habits. sacrifice your weekends and evenings building for your future and make your health a priority because remember if your health goes under nothing else matters.

Make mistakes and explore who you are.

Thereā€™s a difference between using your 20s as a test and learning from it and wasting it and learning nothing.

The best bit is that youā€™re able to make mistakes, and youā€™re able to have failed relationships, failed businesses, and failed projects but as long as youā€™re learning from those failures itā€™s all valid.

It's also important to really explore who you are and become comfortable within yourself without external stimuli. If you canā€™t sit still and stare at a wall without the scratching urge to pull out your phone then youā€™re not comfortable within yourself.

If you canā€™t function without something else happening then you need to fix that and be able to just be happy as you are.


All though its important to take all of these into account, your 20ā€™s are your years to explore yourself and to start planting the seeds for your future. Itā€™s possible to do both.


Stop wasting your money on stupid stuff.

You have to go against the grain and not do what the majority of people do.

Make mistakes and explore who you are.


The book of the week is ā€˜The 4-Hour Work Weekā€™ By Tim Ferris. Itā€™s the step-by-step blueprint to free yourself from the shackles of a corporate job, create a business to fund the lifestyle of your dreams, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one. Read it HERE 


The creator of the week is @BetterIdeas, a self-improvement-based content creator focused on helping you improve every aspect of your life from your sleep to how you spend your free time to allow you to look at life from a different perspective and improve relentlessly.


You canā€™t please everyone so donā€™t waste your time trying to.

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