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- 🌳 The 80/20 Rule Of Happiness
🌳 The 80/20 Rule Of Happiness
Happiness is usually seen as an emotion produced due to countless different factors within your life. In reality, it is similar to the 80/20 rule where 20% of the action produces 80% of the result and with happiness is the same. Its 20% of things that result in 80% of your happiness. In fact, there are three things that will determine the majority of happiness in your life. 3 things that depending on how they are treated will either make you have a miserable existence or thrive to your fullest potential. So… what are those 3 things? What are the 3 questions you have to ask yourself?
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
376 Words | 1 Min 22 Sec
Happiness is usually seen as an emotion produced due to countless different factors within your life. In reality, it is similar to the 80/20 rule where 20% of the action produces 80% of the result and with happiness is the same. Its 20% of things that result in 80% of your happiness. In fact, there are three things that will determine the majority of happiness in your life. 3 things that depending on how they are treated will either make you have a miserable existence or thrive to your fullest potential. So… what are those 3 things? What are the 3 questions you have to ask yourself?
The first is ‘What am I working on and why?’
This is similar to asking yourself what is my purpose but in this sense, you need to reveal what you are spending your everyday life doing and why? Is it to build someone else’s dream or are you building your own? Are you doing what you truly want or what you feel like you have to? Whatever it is you are doing, what are you doing it?
This will typically be a big answer that requires a lot of thought but one that you need to ask yourself in order to find clarity and furthermore happiness.
The second question is ‘Who am I spending time with and why?’
Now we are all pretty familiar with the fact that the people you surround yourself with will be the deciding factor of how you spend your life but the problem is that most people don’t realise that they are spending time with a leech until all the blood has been sucked from them.
This is why it’s important to ask yourself the ‘why’ question every now and then. Why are you spending your time with the people that you are? What value do they add to your life?
The Third question is ‘How well am I treating my body and why?’
This is a no-brainer, if your body isn’t up to scratch, your mind won’t follow and if you understand this principle already but you’re not taking action on it, ask yourself why.
Is it because you don’t think you have enough time? Enough knowledge? Whatever it is, get it fixed.
Ask yourself those 3 questions and get into the habit of doing it on a regular basis, every now and then have a sit-down and quiz yourself to make sure that your happiness is in order.
What am I working on and why?
Who am I spending time with and why?
How well am I treating my body and why?
The book of the week is ‘Ego Is The Enemy’ By Ryan Holiday. It’s a book about how ego is such a powerful internal opponent to be guarded against at all stages of our careers and lives and how to use it to our advantage. Check it out HERE
The Creator of the weak is @Kennysfit, a self-improvement creator who focuses on helping young males improve their lives. He talks about tips, tricks and shares stories on how to better your life in a super engaging manner.
As you progress, your success is measured in the opportunities you turn down, not the ones you take.
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