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- 🌳 The 8th Wonder Of The World
🌳 The 8th Wonder Of The World
All the returns in life, in wealth, relationships or knowledge, come from this thing called compound interest. But what is it and how does one know if they are earning compound interest? Compound interest is a very powerful concept. The Idea of 'compounding' in plain English means that the more time you give something the better return you will receive, it's primarily known for compounding your capital or your investments but that's just scratching the surface.
“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.”
269 Words | 1 Min 29 Sec Read
All the returns in life, in wealth, relationships or knowledge, come from this thing called compound interest. But what is it and how does one know if they are earning compound interest?
Compound interest is a very powerful concept. The Idea of 'compounding' in plain English means that the more time you give something the better return you will receive, it's primarily known for compounding your capital or your investments but that's just scratching the surface.
Compounding is something you should focus on in every aspect of life. For example, in your relationships with people. Look at some of the top roles in society, like why someone is a CEO of a public company or managing billions of dollars. It's because people trust them.
They are trusted because the relationships they've built and the work they've done has compounded. They've stuck with the business and shown themselves (in a visible and accountable way) to be high-integrity people.
Compound interest also happens with reputation. If you have a sterling reputation and you keep building it for decades upon decades, people will notice.
Your reputation will literally end up being thousands or tens of thousands of times more valuable than somebody else who was very talented but is not keeping the compound interest in reputation going.
It's the same thing with fitness and working out. The more you do it over time the better you naturally become at the exercises which allows you to execute them more efficiently and professionally which results in it having a better impact on you. A slightly different way to look at it but compounding nonetheless!
Always look for ways in which you can exploit the beauty of compounding because it will always serve your benefit
Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world according to Albert Einstein, those who understand it take advantage of it and those who don’t have it take advantage of them.
The book of the week is ‘Ego Is The Enemy’ By Ryan Holiday. It’s a book about how ego is such a powerful internal opponent to be guarded against at all stages of our careers and lives and how to use it to our advantage. Check it out HERE
The Creator of the weak is @Kennysfit, a self-improvement creator who focuses on helping young males improve their lives. He talks about tips, tricks and shares stories on how to better your life in a super engaging manner.
There’s no greater waste of time than justifying your actions to people who have a life you don’t want.
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