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  • 🌳 A Characteristic Of Achievers

🌳 A Characteristic Of Achievers

There is a common trap that the majority of people fall into when it comes to setting goals or striving to achieve something and that is the fact that they are reluctant to adapt. When setting goals the Idea is that you stick to those goals, you stay loyal to them in hopes they stay loyal to you but there comes a point when your goals no longer give you the best return on investment, mentally or physically and that's when you have to adapt.


“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”


313 Words | 1 Min 8 Sec Read

There is a common trap that the majority of people fall into when it comes to setting goals or striving to achieve something and that is the fact that they are reluctant to adapt.

When setting goals the Idea is that you stick to those goals, you stay loyal to them in hopes they stay loyal to you but there comes a point when your goals no longer give you the best return on investment, mentally or physically and that's when you have to adapt.

There are two types of successful people, those that stick to something through thick and thin and end up making it work and those that pivot to 'the next big thing' and take advantage of changes in the market. The difference lies in that the ones that stick to it tend to sacrifice time in the process which we all know to be the most valuable resource of all and those that adapt to the market tend to achieve it without sacrificing their time.

You can choose which successful person you want to become but it's important to remember what matters most in this situation, having an abundance of time on your side (and still being successful!)

Do you want to be young and rich or old and rich?

If your answer is what I think it is then you have to be adaptive, this isn't to say sacrifice your goals. It's still important to have goals but make them so that the journey to achieve them is not set in stone.

This adaptable mindset is the best one to have because you can be the first one to ride the wave when people spot it or the first one to start that business within the industry that is taking off. This way you also become more well-rounded, your skillset isn't set in stone and that's a benefit.


Think about your own situation and whether the reluctantness to adapt is restraining you from achieving greatness. Do you know there is a better path to take? Do you know that you're limiting your full potential because you want to stick with what you're told should work?


No one wants to be old and rich, therefore you have to become adaptive.


The book of the week is ‘Ego Is The Enemy’ By Ryan Holiday. It’s a book about how ego is such a powerful internal opponent to be guarded against at all stages of our careers and lives and how to use it to our advantage. Check it out HERE


The Creator of the weak is @Kennysfit, a self-improvement creator who focuses on helping young males improve their lives. He talks about tips, tricks and shares stories on how to better your life in a super engaging manner.


You can't expect to rise above the crowd by copying them.

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