How To Grow At 'Super-Speed'

In life, we have 2 ways that we can learn and grow. Option 1: Go lone wolf, learn and fail over and over again until you succeed Option 2: Learn from others who have walked the path before you. The path that you choose to take is completely up to you, yet it’s important to know the difference because the decision you make will either mean you get to your desired outcome in your own time, picking up scars along the way, or you get there at ‘super-speed’ without the scars.


“It is a luxury to put our interests first.

It is an honor to put the interests of others before our own.”

Simon Sinek


452 Words | 1 Min 38 Sec Read

In life, we have 2 ways that we can learn and grow.

  • Option 1: Go lone wolf, learn and fail over and over again until you succeed

  • Option 2: Learn from others who have walked the path before you.

The path that you choose to take is completely up to you, yet it’s important to know the difference because the decision you make will either mean you get to your desired outcome in your own time, picking up scars along the way, or you get there at ‘super-speed’ without the scars.

Which one would you rather?

I'm going to assume it's the latter, and if that’s the case, then you need to choose option 2. If you want to get to your desired outcome quicker without being burned, it’s imperative that you learn from others who have walked the path before you because they will give you the lesson and knowledge without the scar.

For example, if you were someone starting off in the gym using nothing but your own will and drive to teach yourself, there’s a pretty high chance that you’ll either end up injuring yourself, further delaying your progress, learning from that and starting from scratch again, or, in the worst-case scenario, never actually getting the form and technique right, just making assumptions based on what you’ve seen and therefore never allowing your muscles to fully function, possibly delaying your growth for triple the time.

In the first scenario, at least you failed and learned something, but some people get so unlucky that they never reach the point of failure in the first place and forever stunt their progress.

Or, in a third-case scenario, you drop your ego and learn from someone who has done it before you and can give you the right technique, and tips, and teach you what not to do, so you get the progress without the scars.

So, how do you learn from people who have walked the path before you?

It’s completely situation-dependent, and lucky for us, the majority of the time there are professionals all over the internet. Regardless of the industry, there is someone on TikTok who knows their sh*t, whether it’s chess or aerodynamics. This means it's your job to go out of your way to find these people that you can get as much information from as possible. The good thing is that a lot of these people give out information for free in order to build trust with their audience; for you, this just means a tonne of free information you can consume.

Then, when the time is right, you can invest in your future self by buying programmes that will get you to your desired outcome.


Drop your ego. Seriously, drop it. There is no pride in stunting your own growth and potential just because you want to do it all yourself and not use the tools and information accessible to you; if anything, it's un-resourceful. Find those pools of information and go take a swim.


Remember that you have two ways you can grow:

You either fail or teach yourself.

Or you learn from others.

A mix of these two isn’t a bad thing, but it’s important to recognise the potential outcomes of each.


The Book of the week is ‘The Art Of Persuasion’ by Bob Burg. What is the book about? What if you could get what you want... when you want it...and from whoever has it? The Art of Persuasion teaches you how to get what you want when you want it. You would love to have that ability, right? Get it HERE


The creator of the week is @Clarkkegley. He’s a US-based self-improvement creator who creates content focused on helping you create the 2.0 version of you. He covers pretty much every topic that you could think of so is definitely someone to watch.


We must all try to empathize before we criticize. Ask someone what's wrong before telling them they are wrong.

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