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  • How To Stay Accountable 99% Of The Time

How To Stay Accountable 99% Of The Time

The people you surround yourself with can either propel you forward or keep you trapped. They either bring you up with them or act as poison that keeps you in a cycle of mediocrity. You probably already know this, but when was the last time you looked within and analysed your own circle of friends?


"Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: we know what to do, the hard part is making it a top priority."

Herminia Ibarra


322 Words | 1 Min 10 Sec Read

The people you surround yourself with can either propel you forward or keep you trapped.

They either bring you up with them or act as poison that keeps you in a cycle of mediocrity. You probably already know this, but when was the last time you looked within and analysed your own circle of friends?

You probably haven’t because it’s one of the hardest things to do—to analyse yourself and know that the people you hang around are taking energy away from you and providing nothing to your life, and to cut them off is a painful sacrifice to make but a necessary one.

This doesn’t mean cutting off anyone and everyone that doesn’t add physical value to your life, as sometimes people add value to your life that doesn’t provide a return on investment, such as:

  • Happiness

  • Safety

  • Advice

So sometimes the better solution instead of cutting them off is to create new relationships with people that do add value to your life. People that can excel you, feed you energy, and lift you up entirely

How do you do this? Put yourself out there. This can be done online or in communities, creating a social presence in order to attract like-minded people to you. You have to be creative and persistent.

Accountability Tribes are a fantastic way to excel yourself based on the people around you.

It is finding ‘Tribes’ of like-minded people that want the same outcome as you and have the same goals and visions. People that are on the same wavelength, that understand your problems and who can celebrate your wins alongside you.

If you’re lucky enough to do this with your close group of friends then do it, hold each other accountable to whatever goals you have set out to achieve. This way you’re not only letting yourself down if you give up but also those around you. This shouldn’t add pressure but add a reason.


Go out of your way to start finding like-minded people; join online groups or forums, or explore the comments on videos of people that you aspire to be, and you’re guaranteed to find others that do too.


The realist people will make you feel uncomfortable at first and the fake people have the job of talking to make you feel comfortable.


Meet Maxi, Maxi is a personal growth and productivity app designed to help you clarify your visions, manage your time, and track your progress towards your goals.

It combines aspects of life planning, time management, habit tracking, and journaling, to provide a comprehensive mental model to help you move towards your ambitions.

For an entrepreneur, think of Maxi as a personal strategist and accountability partner. It's like having a coach in your pocket, helping you to prioritize your tasks, identify the most impactful activities and ensure you're consistently moving towards your bigger vision.

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The book of the week is ‘The E Myth’ by Michael E. Gerber, a book that walks you through the steps in the life of a business—from entrepreneurial infancy through adolescent growing pains to the mature entrepreneurial perspective: the guiding light of all businesses that succeed. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @LeonHendrix, a superb creator who makes content for those who are hungry for more in life. Each one of his videos is like its own movie, with fantastic storytelling and straightforward messaging.


The three big ones in life are wealth, health, and happiness. We pursue them in that order, but their importance is reverse.

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