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The Podcast Takeover
There is no shortage of unique types of content as we go into 2024, from long-form to short-form vlogs, challenges, educational videos, day in the lives, memes, and the list goes on. But one type of content that stands out amongst the rest and has had the biggest growth curve is actually podcasts.
How To Improve Your Social Skills
Think about it: Your social skills drive much of your life. Better social skills produce better relationships, which will make you happier. But you’ll also progress in your career faster and be better at negotiating, resolving conflict, collaborating, parenting, and so on.
So, You Want To Start a Business?...
There is an abundance of business BS on the internet; there are too many videos, too many different business models, and too many different opinions and perspectives, which for you, the person who just wants to make an income online and separate from any job, makes it increasingly difficult to see clearly enough in order to get started.
7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
The book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen Covey is surprisingly insightful and unique, despite the mundane title. It’s a book that dives into the world's most successful people and breaks apart their habits to see what makes them who they are.
A Life Changing Speech
A teacher asked Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest men on the planet how to advise students on preparing for retirement. Buffett said the students should treat their minds and bodies like “the only car you’re going to have for the rest of your life.” This is what he said:
You Can't Ignore These 4 Habits
Habits can make or break us as people because habits are the things that we naturally fall back on when all else fails. If you have the habit of eating healthy food, then when you’re hungry, you will instinctively try and find something healthy to eat, or if you have the habit of making your bed every morning, no matter how little your brain is functioning, you will still make your bed on autopilot.
The Hack to Always Come Out on Top
In any competitive environment in which there are winners or losers, the person who has a wider, more global perspective will inevitably prevail. The reason is simple: the person with a wider perspective will be able to think beyond the current moment and control the overall dynamic through careful strategizing.