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- You Can't Ignore These 4 Habits
You Can't Ignore These 4 Habits
Habits can make or break us as people because habits are the things that we naturally fall back on when all else fails. If you have the habit of eating healthy food, then when you’re hungry, you will instinctively try and find something healthy to eat, or if you have the habit of making your bed every morning, no matter how little your brain is functioning, you will still make your bed on autopilot.
“The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others”
544 Words | 1 Min 59 Sec Read
Habits can make or break us as people because habits are the things that we naturally fall back on when all else fails.
If you have the habit of eating healthy food, then when you’re hungry, you will instinctively try and find something healthy to eat, or if you have the habit of making your bed every morning, no matter how little your brain is functioning, you will still make your bed on autopilot.
Therefore, in order to morph your everyday life into something that consistently helps push you towards your ultimate goals, you need to make sure that the habits you embody are the best possible ones for you.
And so we are going to share with you four habits that you can’t ignore…
Having a routine
“If you do not have a routine, one will be assigned to you.” Dan Koe
Dan’s right, you need a routine, and if you think you don't, you may not realise that you have already been assigned one by society.
A powerful routine, no matter how long, prevents any overwhelm as you progress towards your goals, and without it, your life will slowly fall down a chaotic hole into a life of responsibilities, work, people, and a personality that you despise.
Or, in other, less dooming words, if you don’t make it a habit to create and stick to a routine, one you dislike will be naturally assigned to you, which essentially means you won’t be living your own life but one that society wants you to live.
No one wants that, right?
Creating time for creativity
Creating time for creativity is extremely important, especially for someone who wants to live their own life and not one that they have been told to live.
The reason being that creativity inspires ideas, risks, and ultimately purpose.
If you don’t create any time to be creative and have ideas, then you will continue to live the same day every single day with nothing changing because you haven’t allowed it to.
This is as simple as setting aside some time to meditate or do some self-analysis and seeing what comes from it.
Self-education sounds too strict and mundane. Instead, look at it as levelling up your own character.
The habit of levelling yourself up consistently is what separates average people from great people. It separates the wise from the stupid and will give you the ultimate upper hand in life.
So make it a habit; make it a part of your daily routine, whether thats reading a book or watching an educational video.
Solve the problem that you can solve immediately, immediately
Problems tend to compound, no matter how small and insignificant they seem.
A small problem is like a half-eaten apple. Initially, it’s not a problem, but let a few days pass and it starts to change colour and wear on your mind that you need to get rid of it.
After weeks go by, it starts to leave a stench almost unbearable enough for you to ignore, and after months, it starts to attract flies and leave a rotting smell in the carpet. At that point, your problem has compounded, which could have been solved on day one.
Don’t let your problems become the rotten apple.
Here are 4 habits that you just can’t ignore…
The habit of having a routine
Creating time for creativity
Educating yourself
Solving immediate problems, immediately
“No matter how much I want to, I can't seem to do the shit I need to do”
It’s because you don’t ‘need’ to do it; you ‘want’ to do it. You don’t have enough reason to do the thing that you want to do. If it were a need, then you would do it regardless of any excuses.
We, as humans, make choices for two different reasons: we are either chasing something or we are running away from something. Something either has to push you or pull you in life, and if you have neither, then you’ll find yourself stagnant.
Create or find a need.
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