The Secret Benefits of Walking

What if we told you the best thing you can possibly do that allows you to do all of these things:


“No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience.”

John Locke


330 Words | 1 Min 12 Sec Read

What if we told you the best thing you can possibly do that allows you to do all of these things:

  • Clear your mind.

  • Stay lean with ease.

  • Become more energetic.

  • Generate profitable ideas.

  • Exchange screens for sunlight.

  • Find direction by removing distractions.

Is walking.

Thats right, walking, one foot in front of the other, over and over again. As simple as it may seem, the knock-back effect that walking has trumps the majority of exercises out there.

For example, here are some of the benefits of walking around in nature:

  • Reduced Stress

  • Improved Mood

  • Better Concentration and Creativity

  • Strengthened immune system

  • Physical Fitness

  • Better sleep quality

  • Connectedness with Nature

  • Free Activity

But it doesn't end there; from a physical perspective, it will keep you in shape with high energy, but the mental impacts are where it really turns up a notch.

Walking is a stimulant for your brain; it allows your thoughts to flow freely due to the constant stream of bloodflow, which allows you to problem-solve; it reduces anxiety and overthinking while keeping you fit.

Studies say that a minimum of 10,000 steps a day will not only reduce the onset and severity of several diseases, but it will also burn 400–500 calories a day, which allows you to stay lean and fit.

It’s easy to get caught up in the state of ‘deep work', but doing so means that you’re neglecting other parts of your body and brain.

Try it yourself; take 30 minutes out of your day and go for a walk to see how you feel afterwards.


You can hit two birds with one stone; you can walk and meditate; walk and take phone calls; walk and journal; or walk and listen to a podcast.

Walking doesn’t have to be boring and become a chore; make it exciting, and it will be exciting.

Try it out today; go for a 30-minute walk and see how bit by bit it changes your life.


“As we know, being smartest in the room is not a good thing, and i want to change this, but i don't know, how to? how can i find smarter people and connect with them?”


You need to find people who are further along in their journey than you are, and there are a few ways that you can get into circles like this.

  1. Provide exceptional unconditional value; have a skill that others don't have that they will value you for and therefore want to keep you around. That's the reason why a good videographer can get into a circle of high-achieving people. It’s a skill that they need but don’t have.

  2. Be willing to work for free—not just work for free, but do the things that no one else wants to do in order to learn from them.

  3. Use your advantages to your advantage. Find your unfair advantage and use it to your advantage, simples!

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If you weren’t yet aware, at The Kaizen we recently released our community focused education platform thats designed to help you get into the best shape of your life, turn your skills into a business and fortify your mind whilst learning from those at the very top of the game.

It’s split up into three different branches:

3 courses, 3 coaches, and 3 communities all in one—the only platform that helps you achieve the trifecta of living your best life.

This is a platform built for young, ambitious minds—those people who want to live life to the utmost fullest with enough freedom, flexibility, and control to do so.

Everything that has been put into this will allow you to do just that.


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