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- Page 9
The Contradictions of Success
Success is one massive contradiction. It requires you to sacrifice your happiness now for happiness later on; it requires you to give up things you love in order for greater things down the line; and it also requires you to do things that you don’t want to do in order to end up doing things you do want to do.
3 Uncommon Habits to Get Ahead
We’ve said it before, but we will say it again. Habits make or break us as people. The wrong habits can act as an anchor to our growth, whereas the right habits can act as an excellent. Here are 3 habits that you can develop that will help you get ahead of the majority of other people.
You Need to Read 'The Kaizen Way'
Although not clear at the time, this was the start of ‘Kaizen’ as we know it. The underlying message was ‘continuous, incremental improvement’ throughout the workplace, almost like stepping stones that would allow a gradual increase in the Japanese economy.