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- Page 19
You Need To Read 'Grit'
Angela Duckworth is a psychologist from the University of Pensilvenia, and she is obsessed with finding out who is successful and why. She has conducted countless studies of those achieve success, from spelling bees to elite military graduates to corporate salesmen at the very top of their game, just to answer the question, ‘What is the biggest dictator of success?’
Are You Willing To Invest In Yourself?
‘If you’re not willing to invest in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to invest in you.” That quote right there should be a slight slap in the face and most definitely an eye-opener. If you’re not willing to invest in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to invest in you.
You Need To Read The Compound Effect
The author Darren Hardy interviews six entrepreneurs a month for his magazine ‘Success’ and finds that every single entrepreneur uses the compound effect in some way. He said that “even though the results are massive, the steps, in the moment, don’t feel significant. The changes are so subtle, they’re almost inpreceptible.“
You're Not Special...
Harsh truth: No one actually cares about you. Okay, that sounded a bit mean. In a nicer way, people don’t care as much as you think they do. We can’t help but think that people are always looking at us. When out at the shops or walking down the street, we get this anxious feeling that we have to walk a certain way and make sure we look good because everyone’s eyes are glued to us, right?