You're Breathing Wrong...

That's right, you read the subject line and the title correctly. You are breathing wrong, something you’ve been doing your entire life—you've been doing it wrong.


"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."

Dr Seuss


338 | 1 Min 14 Sec Read

That's right, you read the subject line and the title correctly. You are breathing wrong, something you’ve been doing your entire life—you've been doing it wrong.

The fact that you’ve been doing it wrong could be causing a magnitude of problems within your life, including bad sleep, which causes hormone imbalance, headaches, brain fog, a lack of focus, and the snowball to keep rolling.

So, what do we mean when we say you’re breathing wrong?

Well, check yourself right now. Are you breathing through your mouth or through your nose? Are you taking short, rapid breaths, or are you taking long, full ones?

If you’re breathing through your mouth, that's problem no. 1, and if you’re taking short, rapid breaths, that's problem no. 2.

Stated in James Nesters book ‘Breath’ Mouth breathing has knock-on effects, starting from the fact that if you’re mouth breathing when you sleep, you are essentially choking on yourself, and doing this repeatedly leads to less oxygen going into your body and to your brain, which limits its potential and ultimately gives you a higher risk of catching various different diseases and illnesses.

In fact, James did an experiment where he blocked up his nose and exclusively mouth breathed for 10 days, and another researcher did the same. He found that it caused severe sleep apnea and defects in his life that he described as 'traumatic'.

Secondly, breathing in short, rapid sequences means you’re letting in such little oxygen into your body, which causes hypoxia, and if you want to know the knock-on effects of that, read this.

Believe it or not, but we only use roughly 35% of our lungs when we breathe when we are sitting down, and that's something that you need to change.

So, how can you change it?

Practice breath-work!

No, this doesn’t mean you need to get into a zen state or have any fancy equipment; it just means you need to be conscious of your breathing. Watch this video on James Nester giving 5 tips for breathing properly.


What are the actionable next steps to breathing better? Apart from learning the above, you can buy things that will make your breathing easier.

For example, to ensure you breathe through your nose when you sleep, put a small amount of tape on your mouth, and if you struggle to breathe through your nose, get something like a nose strip, a little piece of plastic that will open up your nostrils.


The book of the week is ‘The Compound Effect’ by Darren Hardy, the book that teaches you how tiny little actions repeated daily can have a 10-fold impact in your life. Read it HERE



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