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  • Are You Willing To Invest In Yourself?

Are You Willing To Invest In Yourself?

‘If you’re not willing to invest in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to invest in you.” That quote right there should be a slight slap in the face and most definitely an eye-opener. If you’re not willing to invest in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to invest in you.


“Embrace individuality in thought, but gracefully navigate the world with empathy and kindness.“

Marcus Aurelius


411 Words | 1 Min 29 Sec Read

‘If you’re not willing to invest in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to invest in you.”

That quote right there should be a slight slap in the face and most definitely an eye-opener. If you’re not willing to invest in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to invest in you.

This principle carries over to every area of your life.

If your goal is to make money and sell services to a company, how do you expect them to invest in you if you haven’t invested in yourself?

Or how can you expect customers to invest their money in your products when you haven’t invested in them yourself?

The same goes with girls. For example, how can you expect to get a high-value girl (or guy) that is willing to invest their time in you when you’re subpar because you’re not willing to invest in yourself?

It doesn't make much sense, does it?

Whatever you want to attract, you need to meet it with an equal sacrifice that you’re willing to make.

What does investing in yourself actually look like?

Investing in yourself can look like many different things; most of the time, it is relevant to what it is you want to attract. If you want to attract a high-value partner, you need to invest in your body and your mind to become high-value yourself in order to be worth it.

In business (or making money), investing in yourself looks like education within the avenues you want to pursue; you need to get comfortable with spending money on your own future.

What changes do you need to make?

It starts off with a mindset shift, treating everything that you spend money on that will level you up as an investment that you get to cash out on and reap the rewards of in the future.

Once you have the right mindset shift, everything else will start to fall into place, and investing in yourself will become second nature.

Very few people are willing to do this, but the few that are are the ones that make it.


The takeaway is to become comfortable with investing in yourself because it's not money that you will spend and never see again; it's money that is being spent to craft your future self.

Just make sure to not fall into the trap of considering every bit of money you spend as an investment; there’s a fine line between an investment and an expense.


The book of the week is ‘The Compound Effect’ by Darren Hardy, the book that teaches you how tiny little actions repeated daily can have a 10-fold impact on your life. Read it HERE



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