How To Find Your Super Power

Your unfair advantage is the 1-up that you have over other people; it's the advantage that you were either born with or a skill you learned early on that allows you to stand out in a field.


“The more time you spend complaining about what you deserve, the less time you have to focus on what you can create. Focus on what you can control.”

James Clear


421 Words | 1 Min 32 Sec Read

Your unfair advantage is the 1-up that you have over other people; it's the advantage that you were either born with or a skill you learned early on that allows you to stand out in a field.

It's rarely that apparent, and most of the time, you don’t even know that you have one until you realise you’ve been using it all along.

Your unfair advantage is like your superpower, and it can provide utter clarity on what you’re good at or what your purpose is in life.

For example, Ophra's unfair advantage was that when she was young, her grandmother used to take her to church to sing and speak in front of the crowd.

Fast forward to today, and she can quite comfortably speak in front of tens of millions without breaking a sweat.

Leonardo de Caprios unfair advantage was that his mother forced him into school plays and local theatre as a child, which ultimately grew his confidence and charm to become who he is today.

We all have an unfair advantage; most of us just haven’t fully discovered it yet, and until you do, you will wholeheartedly believe that you don’t have one.

But why should you even care?

Your unfair advantage, once discovered, can put you ahead in life. Realising that when you were young, you had to look after your siblings, and that gave you the skills of leadership and problem solving that you didn’t realise you had, can set you up for a career that you will excel in.

On the other hand, your unfair advantage may just be that you weren’t born into a third-world country or that you had wifi growing up.

Once you discover it and utilise it, you’re unlocking new doors for yourself.

How do we find them and use them?

There is no simple answer to this, but the most effective way is to look at what you already have or look back at your younger self and analyse what you had or did that was different from others, or, in other words, what were you lucky to have? Is it supportive parents that allow you to pursue any avenue that you want with no fear of failure?

Doing this will take some time, and the best advice you can be given is to just ‘analyse your life so far'.

When you find it, utilise it in every way possible and milk it in every scenario possible, because this is your superpower that can get you ahead in life.


Do some soul-searching and really think about what it is that makes you you.

Don’t force it and come up with some rubbish answer, but make it a focus to think about what it is that we are lucky to have.

Once you find it, you can now ask yourself, ‘Where can I use this unfair advantage?’


The book of the week is ‘The Compound Effect’ by Darren Hardy, the book that teaches you how tiny little actions repeated daily can have a 10-fold impact on your life. Read it HERE



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