How To Swing Luck In Your Favour

Believe it or not, you can actually increase your own luck. Yes, you can technically control how lucky you get. You probably think that luck comes externally. It comes at random times to random people with no pattern, and some just get luckier than others.


“I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars, there’s a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that. But once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it’s the same hamburger.”

Bill Gates


552 Words | 2 Min Read

Believe it or not, you can actually increase your own luck. Yes, you can technically control how lucky you get.

You probably think that luck comes externally. It comes at random times to random people with no pattern, and some just get luckier than others.

Well what If I were to tell you that that's not the case, you can’t use ‘luck’ as an excuse for why you’re not where you want to be because you have the power to increase it at your own will.

You’re probably sceptical of that fact because if you can increase your own luck, why doesn’t everyone do it and achieve everything they’ve ever wanted?

The reason being that in order to increase your own luck, it requires a sacrifice that most people aren’t willing to make, and only after making that sacrifice do you have the chance to increase your own luck.

I know it sounds like I'm speaking in riddles here, so let's break it down.

Where does luck come from?

In order to see where luck comes from, you need to look at some lucky people and see how they got to where they are.

Bill Gates (the founder of Microsoft) is someone that you may claim ‘just got lucky’ and it's probably true; he did get lucky, but the reason he did it was because he maximised his chances of getting lucky.

What would you say the difference is between Bill Gates and some 30 year-olds living in their parents basement and playing video games all day?

One of them creates opportunity for themselves and opens the door to luck, while the other one doesn’t.

What I'm trying to say is that the reason Bill Gates got lucky is because he created the opportunity to get lucky; he put himself out there, created a product that solved people's problems, and did it consistently for decades.

In essence, he became the person who would get lucky, and he made the sacrifice that we mentioned earlier.

So how can you increase your chances of getting lucky, and what is the sacrifice?

The sacrifice consists of three things:

  • Sidestepping the stampede

  • Doing it consistently

  • Saying yes to opportunity

And each of these 3 things can increase your chances of getting lucky, or, in other words, swing luck in your direction.

Sidestepping the stampede

This means doing something different than the rest. Rarely will you see someone who lives the exact same life as someone else get lucky. The people that you see get lucky are the people who differentiated themselves from the rest, the outliers.

Doing it consistently

You have to be willing to sacrifice your time in order to get lucky and do the same thing over and over and over again. For example, Bill Gates didn’t just build Microsoft; he spent decades doing it behind closed doors with no attention being paid before it really took off.

Saying Yes

You need to walk into more opportunity; your luck increases the more chances you give it. If your friend comes to you and asks you to start a business with him and you say ‘no’ because you’re worried it will fail, that's a clear example of why you’re not lucky. Only if you say yes will there be potential for you to get lucky.


Are you willing to make the sacrifice to get lucky? If so, take action on the above

Differentiate yourself from the rest, do it consistently, and say yes more!

This is the process of opening the windows and doors instead of expecting them to make their way into your life.


The book of the week is Grit by Angela Duckworth, a book that uncovers the truth of effort vs talent and teaches you how to use grit to help you achieve greatness. Read it HERE



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