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  • Do This To Become More Disciplined

Do This To Become More Disciplined

Discipline is the foundation of progress. Some people think it's motivation, others think it's luck, but when you boil it down to the question, ‘What is the thing that will make me do what I need to do regardless of how I feel? the answer is discipline.


“You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.”

Abraham Lincoln


353 Words | 1 Min 17 Sec Read

Discipline is the foundation of progress. Some people think it's motivation, others think it's luck, but when you boil it down to the question, ‘What is the thing that will make me do what I need to do regardless of how I feel? the answer is discipline.

"Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it." - Mike Tyson

So, if we know that discipline is the foundational answer to success, the question arises: how do I become more disciplined?

Thats the question we are going to help you answer with 3 different methods...

Get your priorities straight.

The first method to build your discipline is to make sure that you have your priorities and core values straight, as everything you do will be filtered through what you prioritise, and if you already know what your priorities are, staying disciplined will be easier.

For example, if your priority is to focus on your health and build muscle at the gym, then you will subconsciously find it easier to stay disciplined when going to the gym without really thinking about it.

Another example is that if your priority is to make a certain amount of money before a certain age, you will automatically stay disciplined about working towards that.

Having a strong sense of self-respect

Your level of discipline comes from the level of self-respect that you have, because fundamentally, being disciplined means doing what you promised yourself you would do because you respect yourself too much to do otherwise.

So if you find that you’re constantly struggling to stay disciplined, maybe the problem is that you don’t respect yourself enough yet. To change that, it will require time and consistent work, but it can be done. There is hope!

Remove the friction.

The final method to build discipline is to remove any friction that makes it difficult.

If you’re trying to stay disciplined about going to the gym, for example, but your only option is 40 minutes away and requires you to take a bus, then you’ll need to find an alternative that has less friction.


You can use three different methods to become more disciplined:

  • Get your priorities straight.

  • Build your self-respect.

  • Remove the friction.

Or you can try out the discipline equation that we covered in another issue, which you can read here.


The book of the week is ‘The Compound Effect’ by Darren Hardy, the book that teaches you how tiny little actions repeated daily can have a 10-fold impact in your life. Read it HERE



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