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- Page 34
🌳 How To Be Truly Happy
'Happiness is internal' something you may have heard before but not really considered. People tend to think that happiness is external, they think happiness comes from the nice clothes you wear, the nice car you drive, and the money that you have whereas the hard truth is that it has no impact
🌳 Kill Your Lower Self
Everyone has a lower self, but what is it? Your lower self is your inner self, pretty much the voice in your head that prioritises comfort and safety above everything else. It’s also how your brain is wired, it’s wired to survive and that’s about it. Not keep you happy, allow you to fulfil your purpose or achieve greatness. Just Survive.
🌳 Making Money With Money
We have said it before but will say it again, if you work for money, you will be working for the rest of your life. Day in, day out. There is a drastic difference between the wealthy and those living ‘paycheck to paycheck’ and that is that the wealthy have money working for them whereas the rest work for money.