šŸŒ³ The Wealth Formula

Being paid for your time is extremely un-sustainable, I mean think about it even if you were to work 24 hours a day for $20 an hour you would only make $480 a day


"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

Henry Ford

In simple terms, money comes and goes and its important to remember money is only valued at what the market cares to value it at. Real security is knowledge, experience and ability.


Being paid for your time is extremely un-sustainable, I mean think about it even if you were to work 24 hours a day for $20 an hour you would only make $480 a day - the 8 hours you need of sleep thats now $320 a day and is that even realistic considering other obvious factors?

If you are trading your time for money then you are capped on how much you can possibly make end of story.

You have to understand that you are paid according to your perceived value not how hard you work which can also be related to how much leverage you have and the leverage you have is dependent on the uniqueness of your skillset, I know this is confusing but stay with me!

Understand that If you want money, solve problems, the extent of the problem and how many people it affects will determine your reward. Every company that you know has this premise and lives by this principle. Some to extreme extents, some to minor but they all solve some kind of problem and they exchange the solution for money. Once you realise this youā€™ll understand that you should be focused on finding what the big problems are, problems that you can formulate a solution to using a product or service.

Again wealth isnā€™t made through trading your time for it, it's made through solving problems and the more in demand the solution to the problem is and the more people it impacts, the more money you make. You will make money in relation to how many people you help, if you want to make a million you have to help a million.


Start finding peopleā€™s problems, start off by searching ā€˜I hate it whenā€¦ā€™ and see what people are searching on Google.


Don't chase money, case solutions to problems and money will naturally follow.


The book of the week is ā€˜The subtle art of not giving a f*ckā€™ by Mark Manson. A fantastic book focused on mindset and how to care less about the things that donā€™t matter. Itā€™s a real eye-opener for those people that overthink everything and feel constrained by their thoughts. Read it HERE 


The creator of the week is @Jasonbroadway, a super-talented creator focused on helping you to become a better version of yourself through quick snippet videos giving you a new perspective on life and helping you overcome common problems. Check him out HERE


You'll never respect yourself if you're a slave to people's pleasing and external validation.

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