🌳 Kill Your Lower Self

Everyone has a lower self, but what is it? Your lower self is your inner self, pretty much the voice in your head that prioritises comfort and safety above everything else. It’s also how your brain is wired, it’s wired to survive and that’s about it. Not keep you happy, allow you to fulfil your purpose or achieve greatness. Just Survive.


"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."

Napoleon Hill


Everyone has a lower self, but what is it?

Your lower self is your inner self, pretty much the voice in your head that prioritises comfort and safety above everything else. It’s also how your brain is wired, it’s wired to survive and that’s about it. Not keep you happy, allow you to fulfil your purpose or achieve greatness. Just Survive.

Now obviously this isn’t a bad thing, if you didn’t have survival instinct and intuition then you most likely wouldn’t be reading this however for anyone with ambition, anyone who wants to be something in life this can work against you.

Your lower self is that voice in your head that tries to interrupt when you want to do something that will slightly put you outside your comfort zone, whether that be to have a cold shower or go and speak to a girl. That voice that tries to reason with you and says “ya know what, if we didn’t do that, It wouldn't be so bad. We could do this instead and not have to do that”. It could be the voice that when you wake up early in the morning it says “You could just go back to bed if you want” although you know deep down that you shouldn’t.

Everyone has a lower self.

Even the greatest of the great because remember that lower self is just your monkey brain trying to keep you safe and comfortable. Trying to make you take the easy route but you have to suppress it and that’s what those that succeed do. They kill off their lower self.

Once you can train to not listen to that voice in your head you will be unstoppable because now there is nothing going against you. When you say you’ll do something, you’ll do it.

Have you ever had that scenario where you’re up late one night and suddenly get this wave of motivation, you plan to wake up early and go for a run and do it every morning for a month but as soon as your alarm goes off it’s as if of that motivation has gone out the window. Why does that happen? Well it was never motivation in the first place, It was you saying you’re going to do something and when the morning comes around it’s your lower self that hits the snooze button and you let it take over.

It will hold you back and you need to get rid of it.

You need to train your own brain to suppress it and only let it take control when absolutely necessary (because remember it’s still a life-saving feature!).

You need to have control over it and a good way to do this is first to be aware of it, be aware of when that voice pops into your head and starts giving you excuses because if you’re aware of it and you know that all you have to do is not listen to it you can kill it. It’s the same message as the saying 'When it feels scary to jump is exactly when you jump’.

Being scared is your lower self so when you wake up early and you hear ‘I could just go back to sleep for an hour’ that is exactly when you splash water on your face and start your day.

The way to kill it is just to overpower it.


Acknowledge your inner self, address it, confront it and overpower it.


The more you understand your brain, the more control you have.


The book of the week is ‘Meditations’ by Marcus Aurelius. An Incredible read of a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy for his own guidance and self-improvement that we get to consume! Read it HERE.


The creator of the week is @Flynnskidmore, an incredible creator that makes it clear he wants to help you heal yourself and help you detect past trauma you may not even know you have. He is truly a creator that wants to make you become a better person every day. Check him out HERE.


Only compare yourself to you.

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