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- 🌳 How To Use Boredom To Your Advantage
🌳 How To Use Boredom To Your Advantage
We all hate being bored, time goes slower and the feeling like we are wasting time becomes overwhelming but, being bored can be twisted and used to your advantage to not only get sh*t done but get the sh*t done that you don’t want to do. It can also help you be more creative, and help you come up with Ideas, let me explain.
“It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.”
315 Words | 1 Min 9 Sec
We all hate being bored, time goes slower and the feeling like we are wasting time becomes overwhelming but, being bored can be twisted and used to your advantage to not only get sh*t done but get the sh*t done that you don’t want to do. It can also help you be more creative, and help you come up with Ideas, let me explain.
Being bored is the foundation of a lot of amazing things in life, for example, you have to become bored in order to meditate! In order to be able to think about your thoughts and control your mind you have technically be bored because it allows you to focus on the one and only thing in front of you. Your thoughts.
Some of the world's greatest artists also used boredom to their advantage as being bored allows them to come up with new ideas, concepts and approaches which also allow them to go on their search for novelty. Boredom motivates a search for novelty. Without boredom, humans would not have the taste for adventure and novelty-seeking that makes us who we are—intelligent, curious, and constantly seeking out the next thing.
The problem is however in the modern day, boredom is pretty rare because we have these pop tart shaped computers in our pockets that can stimulate our brain until high heaven so whenever we start feeling bored we just get rid of the feeling within seconds which makes it become rare that we actually sit down and think.
A writer was once asked how he begins his novels. What the spark was that inspired him to actually commit something to page? And he replied that he had only found one way that always worked. Get bored. Get so bored that you’d rather do something, anything, than nothing. Like writing.
This is the same with completing a project, nutrition, and working out.
Every now and then, allow yourself to become bored but give yourself a productive output.
You’re bored but there is always the gym to go to, or you can always start that research on the new business you’ve been putting off etc.
Boredom = Ideas, creativity, the want to do something.
The book of the week is ‘How to get rich’ by Felix Dennis. Now we know what you’re thinking, this book seems like a scam but it’s actually a fantastic book written by a man that had lived an incredible life and who believed that almost anyone of reasonable intelligence can become rich, given sufficient motivation and application. Check it out HERE
The creator of the week is @cameronrosin. He’s a US-based creator that makes extremely helpful content (one of those creators that you need to watch every day). His content is super laid back but always helpful and leaves you knowing something new every time!
Start your day with intention
End your day with reflection
Fill the moments in between with action.
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