Turn Your Life Around In 3 Months

You can turn your life around in >3 months. Not achieve greatness, buy your first Lamborghini, or achieve your wildest dreams, but change how you live, change your habits and most importantly change the trajectory of your life.


“Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain. It's something you have to find out for yourself.”

Noam Chomsky


457 Words | 1 Min 40 Sec Read

You can turn your life around in >3 months.

Not achieve greatness, buy your first Lamborghini, or achieve your wildest dreams, but change how you live, change your habits, and most importantly, change the trajectory of your life.

It takes roughly 59–70 days to form a habit, which means all you need to do is make sure you start creating the right ones, and in three months’ time, you can change your life completely.

So the question is, what habits should you develop?

Here are two slightly unconventional but highly effective ones.

The first one is the habit of wanting to learn more, and not getting confused with the typical school system, but instead learning more about what you already have an interest in.

You can gamify this to help yourself; treat yourself as a character in a video game, and how much you know about things is your level.

Do you want to walk around for the rest of your life at level 1? Not being able to do certain things or experience certain areas of life because you haven’t gone out of your way to educate yourself?

Instead of ‘having’ to educate yourself, treat it as you ‘get’ to educate yourself.

This is a privilege that many others don’t get.

If you don’t think you have any interests, analyse what you want your future life to look like and what’s included in it.

Do you have a lot of money? Multiple properties? Are you an athlete? Whatever it is, start reverse engineering it and figuring out where you can make a start.

The next habit is to try to make every decision that you make benefit you in multiple ways.

This is a fantastic habit to develop because it allows you to continue to put in the same amount of effort but double the output that you produce, it’s also extremely time-efficient from a productivity standpoint.

An example of this is that if you journal every day, meditate, and go on morning walks, which can take up hours of your time, try to just go on thoughtful morning walks where you can get the same effects of meditating and journaling but in a more efficient manner.

Or if you are a public speaker and you’ve been invited to an event, how could you maximise the output of that situation while putting in the same input?

You could either just speak on the stage and leave it at that or you could also get your friend to record you.

You could take that recording, post it as a YouTube video, clip it up into TikTok videos, and also extract quotes from it for Twitter.

This way, you have used the same input but quadrupled the output.


These habits aren’t created just by snapping your fingers but instead as a product of countless micro-changes made over a long period of time.

So start making those micro changes; start changing your thought pattern from how I can get a 1:1 output from this to how I can put in the same effort and triple my output.

Over time, those micro-thought pattern changes start to show...


The book of the week is Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman - It’s a book about how our minds are typically tripped up by error and prejudice and gives you practical techniques for slower, smarter thinking. Check It Out!


The creator of the week is @williamscxtt, a self-improvement & fitness creator who brings a refreshing take to the mindset side of social media - Check him out!


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