🌳 The Truth Of Cold Showers

Cold showers have been a rising trend in recent years due to the likes of Joe Rogan, Andrew Huberman and others that preach it’s effectiveness and the supposedly countless ways that it benefits your body but with the rise in the hype, stipulations appear around how they actually impact you (and if they are worth it).


“When you pause, zoom out, and observe your thoughts, who you are becomes greater than the prison of thoughts that rule most people's lives.”

Dan Koe


345 Words | 1 Min 17 Sec Read

Cold showers have been a rising trend in recent years due to the likes of Joe Rogan, Andrew Huberman and others that preach it’s effectiveness and the supposedly countless ways that it benefits your body but with the rise in the hype, stipulations appear around how they actually impact you (and if they are worth it).

So let’s uncover the truth, are they worth it? Should you be doing them & how do they affect you?

How do Cold Showers affect you?

Cold showers are nothing shy of a secret superpower, some people use them for daily therapy and others use them to recover their muscles but the positive effects it has on your body are endless ranging from:

  1. Increase metabolism

  2. Relieve localized pain

  3. Improve circulation

  4. Combat symptoms of depression

  5. Bolster your immunity to common colds

  6. Reduce inflammation and prevent muscle soreness

So the question must be, if they are this effective, why isn’t everyone doing them?

Well, because it’s hard.

The main benefit aside from all of the physical positives is the mental strength and immunity you build up. No one wants to get in a cold shower, your body goes into ‘survival mode’ and it feels like you’ve just made the worst decision of your life but many still do because of the discipline benefits.

Getting into a cold shower when you know you’re going to hate it is the strongest form of discipline, going against everything your body is telling you to benefit your future self is a character trait that will carry you far in life.

How can you start taking cold showers?

You can start taking cold showers a matter of two ways, you either chuck yourself into the deep end and go from no experience to only cold showers or you can ease yourself into it, start off by having a normal shower and for the last 30 seconds turning it freezing cold, keep increasing that time more and more until it becomes around 2-3 minutes long and at that point, that’s an entirely cold shower on its own!


Try it yourself, and try to build up your discipline for it. Whether you jump right into it or ease yourself into it is up to you and your personality but making a start nonetheless is what matters.


Cold showers can and will change your life, take advantage of them.


The book of the week is ‘Keep Going’ by Austin Kleon, a book that shows you how to stay true to and focused on your own creative vision when the world seems out of control. In ten heavily illustrated, inspiring chapters, bestselling author Austin Kleon offers advice, stories, and anecdotes that teach you how to persist in doing work that helps make a world worth living in. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @Evanmerger, a US-based self-improvement creator that creates content focused on moulding your mind and body into greatness. He is a breath of fresh air in the self-improvement space and one to follow. Check him out HERE 


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