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- 🌳 The Truth Behind Consistent Growth
🌳 The Truth Behind Consistent Growth
Typically, people use the phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” to remind someone of the time needed to create something great. And it’s true. It takes time — sometimes years — to master a skill, craft, or habit. And while it’s good to keep perspective on your dreams, I think it’s better to remember the other side of this story:

“If something has a minor issue, repair it. Minor issues become major issues over time.”
239 Words | 53 Sec Read

Typically, people use the phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” to remind someone of the time needed to create something great.
And it’s true. It takes time — sometimes years — to master a skill, craft, or habit. And while it’s good to keep perspective on your dreams, I think it’s better to remember the other side of this story:
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.
The problem is that it can be really easy to overestimate the importance of building your Roman empire and underestimate the importance of laying another brick.
It’s just another brick. Why worry about it? Much better to think about the dream of Rome. Right?
Actually, Rome is just the result, the bricks are the system. The system is greater than the goal. Focusing on your habits is more important than worrying about your outcomes.

Of course, there’s nothing necessarily impressive about laying a brick. It’s not a fantastic amount of work. It’s not a grand feat of strength or stamina or intelligence. Nobody is going to applaud you for it.
But laying a brick every day, year after year? That’s how you build an empire.
You can start small. You can focus on improving 1% each day. You can simply put in another rep.
You don't have to build everything you want today, but you do have to find a way to lay another brick.
Assess where the first brick you can lay is. What is the big goal you aspire to reach that requires hundreds to thousands of reps to execute beforehand?
Have you found it?
Great, you have some work to do.
No one will applaud you for laying another brick and you shouldn’t seek the validation of it. Know that for every brick you lay you’re moving one step closer.

The book of the week is ‘Keep Going’ by Austin Kleon, a book that shows you how to stay true to and focused on your own creative vision when the world seems out of control. In ten heavily illustrated, inspiring chapters, bestselling author Austin Kleon offers advice, stories, and anecdotes that teach you how to persist in doing work that helps make a world worth living in. Check it out HERE
The creator of the week is @Evanmerger, a US-based self-improvement creator that creates content focused on moulding your mind and body into greatness. He is a breath of fresh air in the self-improvement space and one to follow. Check him out HERE
The gym is an incredible teacher.
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