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- Thursday 2nd
Thursday 2nd
🌳 Be aware of the content you consume

"If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. if you spend your time making a beautiful garden the butterflies will come to you. and if they don't come, then you still have that beautiful garden."- Noisé
In simple terms, don't chase the result, attract the result because this way you are improving yourself in the process regardless.

We've all heard the saying 'you're the average of the 5 people you hang around' right? and that is more than true in every case but one thing that the majority of people don't consider is how what you consume affects you.
You become what you consume, even from day one, the tv shows and movies you grew up on helped to form your perceptions of life because as humans we learn from example and from experience. Give it a try, and think back to the stuff you consumed as a child and how it impacted you and moulded you into who you are today.
But it's not only our childhood that formed our perceptions, In a world of endless content and consumption if you're not consciously aware of what you consume then you're not better than a child.
People want these dream lives, nice houses, nice cars and everything in between however the content they consume couldn't be leading them in a direction further away from that. You have to consume what you want your future reality to become. Once you truly understand that you can form your own future.

Let's take an example such as Tiktok, the average person spends 2-4 hours a day on it consuming roughly 21 pieces of content a minute! That's 1260 Tiktoks an hour! Which is anywhere from 2560 to 5000 PER DAY!
Now if you consume up to 5000 pieces of content a day no matter how long or short and the content you consume isn't morphing you into a better version of yourself then you are slowly committing suicide.
Change what the algorithms are feeding you, they're designed to keep you on the app and keep feeding you content that you enjoy therefore they will keep pushing videos your way that you are interacting with and watching through > Similar to the other social platforms.
So if you want to start consuming helpful content make a conscious effort to change the content you are fed.
You become what you consume so be in continuous control of what you do.
Our book of the week is 'The Almanack of Naval Ravikant'. A book full to the brim of wisdom around self-development, wealth building, and finding your inner and utter happiness. You can check it out HERE
This is Caleb Duplain, he makes content all focused on self-improvement, social media awareness and other helpful mindset-related videos! Check him out HERE
Be aware of how much Influence the content you consume has on you. Even if you are sure you have a strong mental there is always a crack in the armour and whether you like it or not that crack can be exploited.