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- 🌳 The Thief Of Your Joy
🌳 The Thief Of Your Joy
Comparison Is the thief of joy. What does that actually mean? We all compare ourselves, consciously, subconsciously, and continually every single day from going out to the shops to scrolling on social media but the problem is that it will kill your happiness.

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
In simple terms, believing you can achieve is the first step towards success, the second is action and when the two are combined you will be unstoppable.

Comparison Is the thief of joy.
What does that actually mean? We all compare ourselves, consciously, subconsciously, and continually every single day from going out to the shops to scrolling on social media but the problem is that it will kill your happiness.
As humans it's within our nature to compare, we make a judgement based on what we see and know and then think 'How are we in comparison to what we just saw?' Are we as strong, as fit, as wealthy? Is our jawline as sharp, our clothes as nice, or do we smell as good?
But this constant comparison is not only draining your energy but it's all a false perception that blurs fake from real.
Especially when it comes to social media. Something that's worth noting is that
People only put out on social media what they want other people to see
Our egos force us to only reveal the very best versions of ourselves as it gives us that slight subconscious boost. This however creates a never-ending loop of someone seeing something filtered on social media, feeling the need to not truly improve themselves but improve how other people see them and therefore creating a false reality for themselves and then there is always another person who feels the same way.

You can, however, break this cycle
It's crucial to understand that no one else is you, no one has been through the things you have, experienced the things you have and no one else is on your timeline and journey, therefore, there is no happy ending to comparing yourself. You will never reach a point where you feel like you are the best in everything as there will always be a bigger house, a nicer car, and a bigger guy so you're fundamentally setting yourself up for failure. The earlier you can stop the trap of comparison the easier it will be to.
Next time you catch yourself starting to compare yourself to others just remember that it's all in your own head. It's not the person in the Ferrari that you find cool it's the Ferrari itself.
You will keep following this comparison cycle until you accept. You accept that you are the best possible version of yourself that you can be and you have reached maximum capacity because then it's no longer a game of comparison, but a game of acceptance.
Acceptance is where you will be happy

The book of the week is ‘The Art Of War’ by Sun Tzu. A book written between 475 and 221 B.C.E and is still one of the most-read books to this day. It is a book about the military tactics of ancient warriors used to fight war however the lessons within it are still applicable today and are read by millions. If you want to understand how to win in life, this is a book for you. Read it HERE

The creator of the week is @Joshotusanya, a US-based self-improvement creator. He shares everything from tips to becoming more confident to ways to deal with common situations and is almost like the Google of self-improvement that you didn’t know you needed. Check him out HERE
Comparison is the thief of joy.
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