Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it.

William Feather


475 Words | 1 Min 44 Sec Read

Have you ever worked towards something day in and day out with no tangible result?

Given it your all for an extensive period of time, and after weeks and months of silence, you suddenly see the result that you’ve been working towards the entire time?

If so, then you’ve likely experienced what's known as ‘the plateau of latent potential’.

The plateau of latent potential describes the period when our efforts don't seem to show tangible results. It's a test of persistence, subtly building our skills and resilience. Clear suggests that significant breakthroughs often follow this seemingly stagnant phase, reminding us that progress isn't always linear.

It’s the reason that ice doesn’t start melting until it crosses 33 degrees in temperature. If the ambient temperature is 25 degrees and you work hard to get it to 33, the ice won’t melt at 26-32 degrees. Your progress won’t show until you break through that plateau.

And as we all know, anything past 33 degrees and it turns into liquid pretty instantly.

You’ll find this phenomenon in your everyday life; take your career, for example.

You can perform well in a job for years and receive little or no increase in pay or respect. You’re improving a little bit every day for a long time, but the structure of the company doesn’t allow you to truly shine, and people’s perception of you is anchored to who you were when you first joined.

Then one day you finally apply elsewhere and talk to new companies that see you as you now are.

They take you more seriously and value what you can bring to the table. They give you the offer letter, and overnight your whole life takes a new path.

In reality, you’re the same person you were the day before, except that latent potential is now unleashed.

Where you will see the plateau apply to you most however will be in your habits.

Try out a new habit and nothing will change. For weeks and weeks you will expect your life to do a 180, but what will you get in return for trying to better yourself?


Then, at one point, those habits start to compound, and you start to get rewarded for all of the hard work you put in. Even so, once you least expect it, BOOM!

Your life will change forever.

You may be telling yourself that you’ve never experienced it, and that's probably due to the fact that you give up before the curve in the graph increases exponentially.

That's what most people do; in entrepreneurship and life in general, they give up before they reach their potential, and that's why they don’t get rewarded for the hard work they put in.


To learn more about the Plateau of Latent Potential from an entrepreneurial standpoint, watch this video here:


Good and somewhat easy side hustles to start in summer for a busy but dedicated university student? Or some good resources/ ideas to give us a boost so that we can start to take some actionable steps towards our hustle (unsure of what it may be yet)?


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