Are You Taking Enough Action?

If you want more money, you have to learn valuable skills. If you want a circle of high-value friends, you need to go out and meet people. If you want to get in shape, you need to get to the gym.


“If you don’t want to be average, stop doing average shit”

Matt Graham


310 Words | 1 Min 8 Sec Read

What you do has to be conducive to what you want.

  • If you want more money, you have to learn valuable skills.

  • If you want a circle of high-value friends, you need to go out and meet people.

  • If you want to get in shape, you need to get to the gym.

Therefore, you need to stop doing the same thing and expecting different results because “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result” - Albert Einstein

How do you know what to do in order to get what you want? Put yourself in someone else's shoes. If someone came to you moaning that they wanted to have a certain physique and wanted your brutally honest answer of how to get there, what would you tell them?

You would probably tell them that they need to get their asses in the gym, right?

So why is it that when it comes to your own problems, you feel lost on what to do when the answer is so clear right in front of your eyes?

Social media has made it seem easy. It’s made it seem like all of these achievements can come to you with little to no work: “Make $10,000 a month sitting in your room doing NOTHING.”

Yet all this is doing is ruining your expectations and the reality of what you need to put in in order to get the result you want.

Your lens is broken.

All you may need is a new lens to look at reality through, not through the lens of “I haven't achieved what I want yet because it's not time,” but through the lens of “I haven’t achieved what I want yet because I haven’t changed my action.”

This is a mix of taking true accountability and taking a dose of reality.


If you’re stuck on what action to take, ask yourself, “If I were giving honest advice to someone I love, what would I tell them to do?”

9/10 times, that's the thing that you need to do.


If you don’t want the same outcome as your friends, don’t do what your friends do.

If you want extreme results, do extreme shit!

Stop wanting something different but doing the same thing.


The book of the week is Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins - If you don’t know who he is already, he’s a pioneer in the self-improvement space. He has one of the most incredible comeback stories that will put any of your excuses at bay. Check it out HERE



Never lose faith in yourself. #foryou #gym #motivation #xyzbca

The creator of the week is @juan.cortez3, your daily dose of motivation and inspiration. He makes heartwarming and wholesome content to brighten up your day. Check him out.


Hang out with people who talk about your future more than your past.

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