The Super Secret Club

The Kaizen Sundays - This is a business model that's built on emotion, community, and bonding, and the reason it works so well is because they have picked the perfect time to execute on it…

Hey, you’re one of the very few that have access to the Kaizen Sunday edition! You’ll receive an email like this every Sunday covering a business model or a way to make money that you likely haven’t heard of before. You’ll also get a new thing to try for the week ahead as well as some advice from The Kaizen Team



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This week on Kaizen Sundays, we are going to be covering a unique business model that you likely haven’t heard of before in a case study format.

This is a business model that's built on emotion, community, and bonding, and the reason it works so well is because they have picked the perfect time to execute on it…

Introducing the Bali Time Chamber

The Bali Time Chamber is an experience-based model similar to something like Disney Land, where you pay an entry fee and get access to amenities during your stay.

BTC (Bali Time Chamber) does, however, do something different; they don’t just sell the amenities that you get during your stay, but they also sell the emotion that a lot of men, especially now, crave so much.

When you look at sections on their website like the one above, it doesn’t seem too special; take away the secret location and the waterfalls, and you have things that are accessible to anyone.

So the question is, how can they charge someone €4,290 a month?

It’s because BTC sells the transformation that you can get from paying for their experience, and that's what makes them stand out.

Take a look at their Instagram, for example. Every video is full of people that the average person wants to become:

Therefore, they nail the marketing tactic of making people buy with emotion and not logic.

The second thing that makes BTC stand out so much is their messaging.

They don’t just advertise a get-away in Bali; they focus on one specific target audience and create a sense of exclusivity around it.

For example, check this video out.

The message here is pretty strong; they aren’t only focusing on a specific audience, but they are also excluding a specific audience, which drives controversy and, most importantly, eyeballs!

BTC has also nailed the timing.

At a time where there is a war on masculinity and what it ultimately means to be a man, BTC has come in and tried to reinforce the narrative that so many men feel is lacking in the modern day.

This makes it feel even more exclusive and even more like a movement, which therefore drives more people to sign up.


There are a few reasons why BTC has successfully penetrated the market with a first-of-its kind business model that you can replicate in your own way.

  1. They sell transformations and not specifics, which makes people buy with emotion and not logic.

  2. They found a gap in the market that's more relevant than ever before.

  3. They create controversy around their marketing, which results in either a strong hatred or a strong love.

  4. They nailed their messaging and what they stand for.


How did you find last week's challenge? Did the gratitude journal make a difference in your life?

Your challenge this week is to cut down on the caffeine.

If you’re the kind of person who drinks energy drinks for three coffees a day, it's most likely messing with your body. It's messing with your sleep, your digestion, your metabolism, and more.

So try to cut it out for the week and see if you can notice a clear difference in the way you feel and act.

Let us know how it goes!


If you have a problem you’ve recently faced or a question you think needs a clear answer, send us an email at [email protected] and in next week's edition, we will feature it anonymously, giving you the best advice we can!

See you next week!