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  • 🌳 Stop Coasting Through Life

🌳 Stop Coasting Through Life

Why are you coasting through life? Why are you acting as if you get another shot at all of this? Acting like you get a test run to live selfishly and just test the waters of what life is. This is your one chance to live to your fullest potential and achieve your wildest dreams and you are so extremely lucky with the opportunity you have, its almost insulting to past generations that you’re not taking advantage of it.


“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

Abraham Lincoln

In simple terms, tomorrow is coming whether you like it or not. It’s coming fast and it’s going to affect you in different ways, you can either choose to grab the bull by the horns or let it smack you into the following day.


Do you think you get another shot at this?

Why are you coasting through life? Why are you acting as if you get another shot at all of this? Acting like you get a test run to live selfishly and just test the waters of what life is. This is your one chance to live to your fullest potential and achieve your wildest dreams and you are so extremely lucky with the opportunity you have, its almost insulting to past generations that you’re not taking advantage of it.

Less than 200 years ago people’s lives consisted of doing things they didn’t want to do every day. Passion and ambition weren’t even in the question because people lived for the next day, they lived to put food on the table and that was It. Coal miners were coal miners because their parents were and their parents parents so that was their allocated life. Now jumping back to today you don’t have to worry about that. You have the opportunity to have passion and ambition and take advantage of it yet you don’t. You live as if you get another try afterwards.

It may not be today, may not be tomorrow but one day you’re going to have to look back and face the reality of the decisions you made. You’re going to have to face the consequences of how you chose to live life.

How are you going to look back?

You’re either going to look back and be proud of how you lived your life, how hard you worked, how much you achieved, how generous you were and how you impacted others’ lives or you will look back and be ashamed of yourself and how you lived. This reality is scary because it’s impending, it’s coming whether you want it to or not and the only thing you can do is carry out actions that make it the best you possibly can.

You have to ask yourself the question; are you living for your own comfort and convenience or are you living to achieve?

If you can honestly and truly answer that question it will give you a clear answer on whether it’s time to change or not.

Whos desires are you fulfilling?

Are you living to fulfil your own selfish desires and needs? Or are you living to change the world in the ways that you can? These questions break down to the fact that why should you care? Why can’t you live the life that you want? Well, you can but there was a nurse that worked with the elderly on their deathbed. She started asking people what their biggest regret was and the most common response she got was the following.

“I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me...”

You may want comfort and safety now but ultimately you’re living for your older self.


Ask yourself are you living for your own comfort and convenience or are you living to achieve?


Most people live life on cruise control, don’t be those people.


The book of the week is ‘7 Habits of highly effective people’ by Stephen R. Covey. A fantastic read that goes into so much more depth than you would think that explores the principles of effective self-leadership, influence, collaboration, and improvement. You can read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Joshterryplays, an extremely well-spoken creator who makes simple but intriguing content all focused on making your life better. His videos are straightforward, easy to understand and consume and he’s someone that you want on your timeline. Check him out HERE


Live to make your future self proud.

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