How To Stay Disciplined

Why do you need discipline? You need discipline in your life simply because your sheer will and motivation won’t do it alone. We all rely on motivation to do the things that we promise ourselves we will do. I'm going to start going to the gym four days a week", I'm going to start waking up earlier", I'm going...


“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain


388 Words | 1 Min 25 Sec Read

Why do you need discipline?

You need discipline in your life simply because your sheer will and motivation won’t do it alone.

We all rely on motivation to do the things that we promise ourselves we will do. I'm going to start going to the gym four days a week", I'm going to start waking up earlier", I'm going...

Here you are telling yourself that the future you is going to be better than the current you, and relying on motivation alone to reinforce that is like trying to tow a car with a rubber band; you could get a tiny bit of movement, but it will inevitably snap, and that’s why you need discipline.

People typically see discipline as doing what they are told; you would describe someone in the army as disciplined because they are following orders, but true discipline comes when you follow your own orders like a soldier. That's why you need the discipline equation—the formula for increasing the amount of it that you have and using it at your will.

The discipline equation goes as follows:

Discipline = the value of the goal + the reward of the pursuit + the cost of the pursuit.

You see, if you want to be more disciplined, you need to increase the value of the goal you’re trying to achieve, increase the reward of working towards the goal, and reduce the cost of working towards the goal (the pursuit).

Here's an example:

If you’re struggling to go to the gym consistently, you can try three things:

Increase the value of the pursuit; essentially, make whatever type of goal you’re trying to achieve more valuable. With the gym, this isn’t very easy to do, so it's best to focus on the other two.

You can also increase the reward of going by giving yourself a treat or some kind of positive reinforcement, such as gamifying the process for yourself.

Or figure out what makes you not want to go, and if you can mitigate that, you’ll be more inclined to go. For example, is the reason you don’t want to go to the gym because it's too far away? Is it because you find it intimidating?

Figure out a way to solve these problems, and your discipline to stay true to your word will only become stronger.


What are you trying and struggling to stay disciplined with? Let us know by replying to this email, and we will see how we may be able to help.

Or take on the task yourself; you now know the equation, so put it into place!


The Discipline equation goes as follows:

Discipline = the value of the goal + the reward of the pursuit - the cost of the pursuit

Use this equation to stay true to your word.


The book of the week is ‘The Richest Man In Babylon’ by George Clason, Described simply, It’s a series of short stories; the book teaches straightforward lessons that aim to show that the secrets to wealth building are unchanging and remain applicable throughout history. Read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Tomnoske, a US-based creator making some of the most engaging and down-to-earth content on the platform today. He speaks about topics under the umbrella of self-improvement covering money, aspiration, tricks and tips. Not one to miss out on!


A lot of the time it's not that you don't have enough time during the day to get what you need done but you don't have enough focus.

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