How To Start Of 2024 Right

We have 2 weeks left until the 1st January 2024 and with that comes a reset. A reset on you, your goals, your mindset, your attitude. People use the start of a new year as a time to make a difference in their lives, a time where they feel like they can have a fresh start, putting all the sh*t behind them.


"He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight."

Sun Tzu


511 Words | 1 Min 52 Sec Read

We have 2 weeks left until the 1st January 2024 and with that comes a reset.

A reset on you, your goals, your mindset, your attitude.

People use the start of a new year as a time to make a difference in their lives, a time where they feel like they can have a fresh start, putting all the sh*t behind them.

And so we are going to tell you how you can start 2024 the correct way.

The first method is to set clear goals. If you go into the start of a new year just telling yourself that you’re going to be different with nothing to work towards, then the likelihood is that nothing will change.

Setting clear goals helps you align your actions with the person that you want to become.

If one of your goals is to get a certain type of physique and you have clearly stated it, then you won't lounge around eating junk food because you have already made a silent promise to yourself.

It's also worth noting that setting goals for a whole year will do more harm than good. The reason being that if you set a goal to have a six-pack in 2024, you will wait until the very end of the year to work on that goal.

That’s why it’s best to set quarterly goals every 3 months that you reflect on and reset.

Next is resetting your environment. If you want to go into 2024 with your best foot forward, then you need to change the person that you were in 2023, and that all starts with your environment.

For example, if you can’t stay consistent with going to the gym because it's so far away, just because it's a new year doesn’t mean that’s going to change.

If you want it to change, you therefore have to make the change, such as by finding a new gym - Aka, changing your environment.

The same goes with people around you.

If you want to be a new person in 2024, yet you’re hanging around the same people that held you back, then nothing is ultimately going to change.

Finally, Is creating an accountability system. The willpower of telling yourself that you’re going to change will have an impact, but not a big enough one where you will stay rock solidly consistent with it.

Therefore, creating an accountability system around you will allow you to make sure that you don’t fall off the rails.

This can be as simple as your friend group, where you all set goals and do check-ins with each other to make sure that you’re on track.

Having this system around you makes it feel like if you do fail, then you’re not only letting yourself down but also other people down, which is arguably more of a motive to keep going.

This also allows you to prove to others what you’re capable of; the only thing better than changing your life is letting others know that you’ve changed your life, and by building an accountability system, you can do that.


Here are 3 methods to use in order to start off 2024 the right way…

  • Setting goals

This helps you to align your actions with the person that you want to become.

  • Reset your environment

If you want to be a whole new person, you have to start with your enviroment.

  • Create an accountability system

Creating an accountability system around you will allow you to make sure that you don’t fall off the rails.


The book of the week is ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport, a book about how to achieve success in a distracted world and master the art of focus and deep undistracted work. Check it out here.


The creator of the week is @LiamPorritt, a corporate lawyer who makes content around how to work smart, find balance, and ultimately be happy. Go check him out.


As long as you don’t let your first failure become your last failure it wasn’t a failure.


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