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- Solve Rich People Problems
Solve Rich People Problems
The Kaizen Sundays - Rich people have problems too, you know. The only difference is, however, that rich people typically pay a lot more money to get their problems solved. For you, that means that you could find a problem that a lot of rich people have, create a solution around that problem, sell that solution to the rich, and make a bucketload of money from it.
Hey, you’re one of the very few that have access to the Kaizen Sunday edition! You’ll receive an email like this every Sunday covering a business model or a way to make money that you likely haven’t heard of before. You’ll also get a new thing to try for the week ahead as well as some advice from The Kaizen Team
426 Words | 1 Min 30 Sec Read
Rich people have problems too, you know. The only difference is, however, that rich people typically pay a lot more money to get their problems solved.
For you, that means that you could find a problem that a lot of rich people have, create a solution around that problem, sell that solution to the rich, and make a bucketload of money from it.
Yes, that's what this Sunday edition is about: we are going to talk about solving problems for rich people because they pay better.
It makes sense, right?
If you could mow a lawn better than anyone else, would you mow a rich person's lawn or a poor person's lawn? You would probably mow the rich people's lawns because of the return on your effort.
So, what are rich people's problems?
All it takes is a Google search, and you’ll find things like:
Not enough sleep
Missing out on memories
Fake friends
Deciding where to go on vacation
No, I'm not even joking; those are some of the biggest problems for ultra-wealthy individuals.
Now that you have to narrow in on a problem and figure out a way to solve it, let's go with ‘Deciding where to go on vacation’ as an example.
How can you solve this problem? Could you become a holiday planner for the ultra-wealthy? Very possibly.
Could you create an app or software that helps the ultra-wealthy plan their holidays? Very possibly.
Believe it or not, solving rich people's problems is one of the quickest ways that you can get rich yourself, which means your job is to go problem hunting.
The more problems you can find, the more choice you have about which one you want to solve, and from there, solve it!
Getting started is all about research; put aside some time to find problems that you could come up with a solution to; in fact, put a lot of time aside to do this.
Once you’ve identified a problem that you can solve, you need to test the market to find out if it's actually a problem that needs solving.
You can do this by creating an MVP (minimum viable product) or just by asking around and getting some feedback—up to you.
Next, you need to identify your market and put the solution you have created in front of their faces.
Rich people have networks, which means you don’t need to find 50 customers; you only need to find one, and as long as you do a good job, your solution will spread like wildfire.
If you have a problem you’ve recently faced or a question you think needs a clear answer, send us an email at [email protected] and in next week's edition, we will feature it anonymously, giving you the best advice we can!
See you next week!