What Skills Will Make You Money?

If you want to make any kind of money in modern times, it is imperative that you have skills—not skills that make you a good employee, but skills that allow you to create the snowball towards financial freedom. So, let's talk skills.


“The body should be treated rigorously, that it may not be disobedient to the mind.”



395 Words | 1 Min 26 Sec Read

If you want to make any kind of money in modern times, it is imperative that you have skills—not skills that make you a good employee, but skills that allow you to create the snowball towards financial freedom. So, let's talk skills.

You need a skill of value that you can sell; this is going to be a recurring theme throughout this topic, so it's best to figure this out sooner rather than later. But what skill do you choose, and how do you know which one to choose? There are a few different approaches you can take with this:

Firstly, you can look up ‘valuable skills’ or ‘high income skills, and you’ll receive answers like this:

  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Copywriting

  • Communication

  • Web design

And although it’s not wrong; it's pretty basic; those are all skills that are valuable but not all so much in demand. The thing that will do you wonders here when it comes to choosing a skill is doing something known as skill stacking. Check this out: Skill stacking explained

Skill stacking should help provide some clarity on what makes skills more valuable, but you will still have the question, What skill do I choose? You should either go with something you know a little something about or something you like the idea of (meaning your personality links well with the skill).

Do you love to write? Maybe copywriting will be your cup of tea. Or something that you see a lot of potential in; those should be your three factors when it comes to choosing the right skill for you.

A skill that you know a little something about means that you already have a head start and can use that as leverage; of course, this still means it has to have potential, etc.

A skill you like the idea of is great because the more you enjoy doing it, the less it feels like work, and finally, a skill that has a lot of potential (which is probably the most favourable one, as it will give you the highest chance of success). No one is going to choose the skill for you; this is something that you have to figure out on your own. Something that is important to understand is the concept of selling your skills at market value. Rather than explaining it here, this video will explain it.


The truth is, any skill you choose can make you money, no matter what it is, from being good with animals to solving complex problems. It's all about how you frame the skill that you want to sell, so if all else fails, start with the skill that you like and go from there.


To find the right skill you can do a few things:

Either chose:

  • Something you know a little something about

  • Something you like the idea of

Without a doubt, also look into skill stacking, the accelerant that will turn your skills into money.


The book of the week is Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins - If you don’t know who he is already, he’s a pioneer in the self-improvement space. He has one of the most incredible comeback stories that will put any of your excuses at bay. Check it out HERE



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