Why You Shouldn't Give Up

1 Min 26 Sec Read - We all have those days when nothing is going to plan.When you don’t feel like doing the things you know you have to, and you just want to start all over again.


“A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.”

Ayn Rand


393 Words | 1 Min 26 Sec Read

We all have those days when nothing is going to plan.

When you don’t feel like doing the things you know you have to, and you just want to start all over again.

Those days when you feel like giving up.

The thing is that research has shown that grit is the characteristic most closely linked to success, therefore, giving up isn’t an option, so here are a few tricks you can use to not give up:

Know that you’ll never regret it.

You will never regret not giving up, just like you’ll never regret going to the gym or eating healthy.

You only regret what you know you shouldn’t have done, and therefore you will never feel worse after the hard work is done.

The mental barrier to starting and completing that hard work is the grit that shines through, so know that there is only light on the other side.

Know that discomfort is temporary.

Similar to a previous topic we talked about known as the pain period’, it’s important to remember that in order to grow, we have to experience discomfort and pain.

That is the only formula that leads to positive outcomes.

You have to tear your muscles before you rebuild them; you have to be uncomfortable before you’re comfortable. It’s the cost of growth and it’s all part of the process.

It’s all part of life.

Life is a constant balance between giving into the ease of distraction and overcoming the pain of discipline.

It is not an exaggeration to say that our lives and identities are defined by this delicate balance. What is life if not the sum of a hundred thousand daily battles and tiny decisions to either gut it out or give it up?

This moment when you don’t feel like doing the work This is not a moment to be thrown away.

Remember that feeling like you want to give up is almost a good thing, It means that you have made progress.

Think about it. If you always felt like giving up and it was your natural state of mind, then it wouldn’t be an unusual emotion to you. It would just be a new day. The fact that it is a new feeling shows that you have experienced it in the past and, therefore, are more than suited to do it again.


There are three methods you can use when you feel like giving up:

  • Know that you’ll never regret it.

No one ever regrets doing the hard thing; you never regret the gym session that you didn’t want to do or studying hard for a test. You only regret the things you didn’t do.

  • Know that discomfort is temporary.

In order to grow, we have to experience pain; there's no other way around it.

  • Know that it’s all part of life.

The fact that you want to give up shows that you have persevered in the past, which should be all the reason you need to keep going.


The book of the week is ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport, a book about how to achieve success in a distracted world and master the art of focus and deep undistrcted work. Check it out here.


The creator of the week is @LiamPorritt, a corporate lawyer who makes content around how to work smart, find balance, and ultimately be happy. Go check him out.r


Don't tell people what you're going to do. Tell people what you're doing. Life is a single-player game until you actually start playing.


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