The Secret to Self-discipline

Discipline is a topic that so many people are fascinated by; it's portrayed as this superpower that some people have and others don’t that gives you the ability to do what needs to be done regardless of any external or internal barriers.


“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters”

Colin powell


Discipline is a topic that so many people are fascinated by; it's portrayed as this superpower that some people have and others don’t that gives you the ability to do what needs to be done regardless of any external or internal barriers.

The truth is that some people have better disciples than others; some people have a stronger driving force that gets them further in life.

All hope, however, isn’t quite lost; discipline isn’t a genetic trait that some have and others don't, but instead a muscle that you can develop and improve over time, and this is an idea of what that formula needs to look like in order to strengthen your self-discipline.

- Become fed up with where you are.

Similar to what we spoke about in a previous edition about the Reigon beta paradox, you won’t feel a need to change if you’re not uncomfortable; therefore, you need to find that reason and become fed up with where you are.

- Get clear on what you want.

If you don’t have a goal in your scope that you’re working towards, then you'll always find yourself lost and demotivated, which is why you need to get crystal clear on what it is that you want; only then will you know what action to take.

- Create a plan to get there.

Discipline doesn’t create the plan for you; it helps you stick to the plan, which means that you need to create a plan of attack. What is each individual step that you’re going to take in order to achieve what it is that you want? Map it out.

- Remove every single distraction.

If you’re not removing any distractions, then you’re setting yourself up for failure; you’re providing yourself with the option to fail, which isn’t what you want.

Be prepared to make small sacrifices and remove the distractions that are going to keep you from your goals.

- Take the smallest step.

As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your future. You’re not meant to worry about how your life is going to look in 5 years; worry about how it's going to look tomorrow, and if you do that over a long enough period of time, you will live the life that you deserve.

- Fail until you are okay with failure.

You have to embrace failure as part of the process. As long as you’re failing because you’re trying and not because you’re not, then you’re on the right track.


Discipline isn’t an easy muscle to build, but it's a very attainable one as long as you can take onboard the ingredients above.

If you’re lacking discipline, take a look at the steps and see how you can use them in your own life.


“I try to seize every opportunity at hand. But is there a limit? Is it worth it to take on the extra work if it’ll make me more busy and tired when I already am?”


You only have a certain amount of energy and time that you can spend every day, and where you spend it will dictate what direction your life goes in.

There is, however, a happy balance between giving your task enough focus while grabbing every opportunity that you can, although you can only balance it after knowing what you’re capable of.

There will always be opportunity costs in life; you will miss out on countless different opportunities in pursuit of another, and thats something that you have to accept as a fact.

So, understand yourself; understand how much you can take on without spreading yourself too thin to the point where you aren’t giving anything that attention that it deserves. It’s better to succeed in something than nothing.

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