The Secret To Being More Likeable

Everybody, at some point in their life, has met someone who they would consider to be truly likeable. Those people in the upper 99.9th percentile of likability.


“Folks are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

Abraham Lincoln


532 Words | 1 Min 53 Sec Read

Everybody, at some point in their life, has met someone who they would consider to be truly likeable.

Those people in the upper 99.9th percentile of likability.

These are the types of people who, when you talk to them, make you feel understood. You feel like they're really listening; they value you as a human being, and they see the best in you.

No matter where these types of people go, it seems like they have friends. It seems like people tend to celebrate them and elevate them to this deity status.

And it sounds kind of crazy, but that's why it's so rare.

And it seems like the more likeable of a person you are, the more the world opens up to you.

You know, people just enjoy being around you; they always want to invite you to things, they want you to be part of their company, and they give you promotions.

And you can look at that and say, "Well, that's not fair; they don't deserve it. They're not more qualified than I am."

But it doesn't make it any less true.

The more likeable a person you are, the more people like you.

Some people are very likeable, and other people are very difficult to like. And the people who are likeable tend to do better in almost every area of life compared to people that no one wants to be around.

So, if being likeable is its own superpower, the question becomes, How do I become more likeable?

There are a few tricks and methods that you can use to become more likeable over time, and the good thing is that these aren’t drastic changes that you have to make in your life but more just things you can implement to help you open that door to more people liking you.

You need to show interest in people; people are dying to feel special.

When you break it down, fundamentally, all people care about is themselves. It's almost wired within us to always put ourselves first, and because of that, if you want someone to like you, you need to make sure that you show lots of interest in them because people are dying to feel special.

People want to be called by their first name, chosen first for the football game, and made the topic of conversation.

Therefore, if you can give them that luxury, they will instinctively find you more likeable and want to be around you more, as you are the person who made them feel a certain way.

People don’t care about what you say, but how you make them feel.

No one reflects on the day they just had going over what you said to them, but they may reflect on how you made them feel, as emotional takeaways are 10x more powerful than verbal ones.

You need to live a life that you like.

It sounds silly, but if you don’t really like yourself, how do you expect other people to like you?

If you dislike yourself, the curiosity of other people is hard to come by. You can’t afford to be curious about other people because you need their validation.


The more likeable you are as a person, the further you will get in life because, well, who doesn’t want to be around someone that they like? Here are 3 changes you can make to increase your likeability:

  • Show interest in other people.

  • Focus on how you make people feel.

  • Live a life that you like.

Obviously, this isn’t a one-stop solution; however, it will help you make a start.


The Book of the week is ‘Ego Is The Enemy’ by Ryan Holiday. A book that shows us how and why ego is such a powerful internal opponent and that we can only create our best work when we identify, acknowledge and disarm its dangers. Read it HERE


The creator of the week is @mikeyposada, he makes incredible story-based content with the sole goal of helping you live the good life by unlocking the secrets to help you do so. Check him out.


You can tell a lot about a person by identifying the goals their mind operates on to create their words and actions.

You quickly find that most people base the outcome of their lives on being miserable, depressed, and risk-averse – because they were programmed to be.


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