Say This To Be More Productive

That's really it, "no," because not doing something will always be faster than doing it. The same philosophy applies in other areas of life. For example, there is no meeting that goes faster than not having a meeting at all.


“This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up.”

Marilyn Monroe


300 Words | 1 Min 10 Sec Read


That's really it, "no," because not doing something will always be faster than doing it. The same philosophy applies in other areas of life. For example, there is no meeting that goes faster than not having a meeting at all.

This is not to say you should never attend another meeting, but the truth is that we say yes to many things we don’t actually want to do. There are many meetings that don’t need to be held.

How often do people ask you to do something and you just reply, "Sure thing?" Three days later, you’re overwhelmed by how much is on your to-do list. We become frustrated by our obligations, even though we were the ones who said yes to them in the first place.

It’s worth asking if things are necessary. Many of them are not, and a simple "no" will be more productive than whatever work the most efficient person can muster.

But if the benefits of saying no are so obvious, then why do we say yes so often?

Why do we say yes?

We often agree to requests to avoid being seen as rude, but saying no to people we care about can be difficult. Despite social considerations, many struggle to manage the balance between yes and no, overcommitting to unimportant tasks. Our perception of yes and no may be the problem.

Upgrade your “No”

As you progress and achieve success, your strategy must evolve. The value of your time grows, demanding a higher threshold for accepting opportunities. You must decline both distractions and previously worthwhile endeavours to make room for exceptional ones.

Upgrading your ability to say “no” is crucial, preserving the freedom to say yes selectively. Ultimately, by rejecting harmful distractions, you'll gain the privilege to turn down even beneficial opportunities.


Learn to upgrade your “no” and treat your time with more respect as that’s what this is all about. Treating your time as value that you’re not happy to give out when someone asks.


The ultimate productivity hack is just saying “no” and saying “no” doesn't make you rude or disrespectful, It makes you in control and your time exclusive.


The book of the week is ‘Shoe Dog’ by Phil Knight, the creator of Nike. The book is a memoir of the creation of Nike. It shares the journey and stories around the creation of Nike, including the setbacks and tribulations. Get it HERE.


The creator of the week is @Danieldargan, a self-improvement creator who makes motivational, straight-to-the point content pretty much daily. He’s a refreshing voice for your feed, so definitely check him out.


Imagine if everyone quit learning to walk because they cared what people think.

Now apply that thinking to anything else that is an absolute necessity to achieve your version of success.

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