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How To Remember Everything You Learn

Have you ever had that feeling where you read, watch, or listen to something and you think you’ve learned something new, and then a few days later you’ve forgotten everything that you thought you knew?


“The only person you are desired to become are the person you decide to be.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


445 Words | 1 Min 37 Sec Read

Have you ever had that feeling where you read, watch, or listen to something and you think you’ve learned something new, and then a few days later you’ve forgotten everything that you thought you knew?

Yeah, it happens to all of us. Here are three methods you can use to remember more of what you learn.

Understand the fundamentals.

First, understand the fundamentals of the thing that you want to learn.

For example, if you wanted to learn a specific area of human psychology, like cognative thinking, and you picked up a book on it, you would struggle to retain all of the information within that book as your brain would be stepping into new territories.

If, however, you first learned the fundamentals of psychology, the basic brush strokes, when you dive into a specific area of it, you will be able to retain much more of the information because you understand the puzzle pieces that put it together.

So next time you want to learn something specific, zoom out a bit and see if there is something more broad that you can understand first before you dive in.

Share what you learn.

Sharing what you learn is one of the best ways to retain information and understand it in more detail.

When you teach information to someone, you have to explain the information based on how you understand it and your way of thinking, which means you need to break down what you know into building blocks so that someone else can understand it.

Doing this, you start to understand it more because of how you’ve broken it down.

You will also have to solve problems and answer questions around the topic of information, which helps you deepen your own understanding.

Just in time, learning

Just-in-time learning is the process of learning something once you have experienced it.

For example, if you were asked to sit down and learn as much as you could about heart attacks and absorb all of the information, you would definitely struggle.

However, if you have just experienced a heart attack in real life and were then asked to learn everything you could about it, you’ll retain the information much easier because you can correlate what you’re learning to what you saw and think you know.

It's the same thing with a football game.

For example, if you have never watched the sport and were told to recite the rules of the game, you would struggle.

If you first watched a game in person and were then told to explain how it worked, you would be able to, as all the different things you experienced start to make sense.


3 methods of how you can remember everything you learn:

  • Understand the fundamentals

    Next time you want to learn something specific, zoom out a bit and see if there is something more broad that you can understand first before you dive in.

  • Share what you learn

    Doing this, you start to understand it more because of how you’ve broken it down.

  • Just In time learning

    When you experience the thing you’re learning first, It becomes much easier to understand and remember.


The book of the week is ‘12 Rules For Life’ By Jordan Peterson. in this book Peterson lays out 12 rules that he believes can help people live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @LexFridman, a podcaster who has penetrated the space, interviewing some of the most incredible people on the planet while sharing a ridiculous amount of wisdom. Check him out.


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