Purpose is No.1

As a young person, it is undoubtedly true that you need a purpose, a reason to wake up in the morning, and something to give you drive because if you don't, you will end up feeling lost, hopeless, and depressed, just like you’re floating through life detached from your own accord.


“The one thing you need to win in this life is a definite purpose.” The knowledge of what one wants and the burning desire to possess it'“

Napoleon Hill


300 Words | 1 Min 12 Sec Read

As a young person, it is undoubtedly true that you need a purpose, a reason to wake up in the morning, and something to give you drive because if you don't, you will end up feeling lost, hopeless, and depressed, just like you’re floating through life detached from your own accord.

A purpose drives you and slowly shapes and moulds you into the person you become through experiences, failures, trials, and tribulations. This is a necessity that every young man and woman needs, especially in the modern day with the overwhelming culture of lazy people that's becoming more and more apparent.

People who have no purpose, feed off others, give nothing, and expect something in return—this is a one-way ticket to disaster. Control is a psychological and biological necessity for a person to live a fulfilled life, yet this lack of purpose means a lack of control, which makes you soft, weak, and easily manipulated.

The reason finding a purpose is so important is because it gives us life, as Thomas Carlyle said:

“The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder—a wait, a nothing, a no man.”

It gives us a reason, a mission to constantly improve and become a better version of ourselves day in and day out, and provides us with meaning for life.

Your purpose doesn't have to be something that makes a load of money or helps a load of people; it has to be something that fulfils you and will continue to fulfil you every single day.


You can't fake a purpose. If you don't really want it and you don't have any emotion about it, you're not going to take action because it's your emotions that control your actions.

Start with what you love to do.

Are you making time to do what you want to do?


Purpose is what gives you meaning.


The book of the week is ‘Shoe Dog’ by Phil Knight, the creator of Nike. The book is a memoir of the creation of Nike. It shares the journey and stories around the creation of Nike, including the setbacks and tribulations. Get it HERE.


The creator of the week is @Danieldargan, a self-improvement creator who makes motivational, straight-to-the point content pretty much daily. He’s a refreshing voice for your feed, so definitely check him out.


The quieter you become the more you are able to hear.

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