How To Play To Your Strengths

Jeff Bezos wasn’t born with the Jeff Bezos handbook, similar to how Elon Musk wasn’t born with the Elon Musk handbook, nor did any other successful person have a cheat sheet or a handbook that got them to where they are today.


“Know the difference between those who stay to feed the soil, and those who come to grab the fruit.”

Julius Caesar


419 Words | 1 Min 31 Sec Read

Jeff Bezos wasn’t born with the Jeff Bezos handbook, similar to how Elon Musk wasn’t born with the Elon Musk handbook, nor did any other successful person have a cheat sheet or a handbook that got them to where they are today.

You tend to think it's so far-fetched, and people forget to remember that they started from nothing, just like you.

Of course, there are the odd one or two who got a generous inheritance, but the ones to look up to are the ones who started from ground zero.

It’s quite easy to look at people online and become angry at what they have and just attribute it to luck or ‘rich parents', but you’re just doing yourself a disservice.

If you think the only way to get to where those people are is by having rich parents, and you don’t have rich parents, then congratulations; you’re screwed.

But how did these people get to where they are without a guide? How did Jeff Bezos get to his level without reading the book 'How to Become a Man Worth $162.2 Billion'?

He probably read the book 'How to Make Your First $1 Online’ and went from there.

Don’t aim to make a million; aim to make a penny.

Did you know that you will end up making your dream $10,000 a month quicker if you stop trying to make $10,000 a month so quickly?

Sounds pretty counterproductive, right? Well, here's why:

You don’t have the skills to make $10,000 when starting off, but the good news is that you probably have the skills needed to make your first $100.

Like Jeff Bezos, he didn’t spawn in with billions to his name. He built skills from the ground up, starting from his first penny all the way to the size he is now.

And along the way, he developed the skills that reinforce and support how much he makes.

So don’t get It confused, goals are fantastic, but play to the strengths of your current abilities.

Start off by figuring out how to make your first $1, and from there, you can increase that amount as your skills increase.

It’s almost like figuring out the code to the game.

It’s actually easier than you think because the fundamentals are the same whether you’re trying to make $1 or $1,000,000.

And once you understand the code behind how it works because you built from the ground up, you’ll understand how to put systems in place that get you there.


Stop trying to skip crucial steps when it comes to making money, just like you wouldn’t at the gym.

Starting off, you don’t have the skills to benchpress 150 kg, but you probably have the ability to benchpress the bar, and then 20 on each side.

Once you figure out the fundamentals of how bench press works and your form is spotless, that's when you can increase the weight as your strength increases.

And eventually get to that milestone weight.

Understand the code behind how it works, and you’ll be able to scale much quicker.


The book of the week is ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport, a book about how to achieve success in a distracted world and master the art of focus and deep undistracted work. Check it out here.


The creator of the week is @LiamPorritt, a corporate lawyer who makes content around how to work smart, find balance, and ultimately be happy. Go check him out.


You can:

  1. Love winning

  2. Hate losing

  3. Love playing

But only #3 makes it fun the whole time.


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