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  • You Need To Increase Your 'VPH' To Make More Money

You Need To Increase Your 'VPH' To Make More Money

You have what's known as a designated 'VPH', and the reason you’re not making the money that you ultimately want to is because your VPH is much lower than it should be.


“The owner of an idea is not he who imagines it, but he who executes it.”

MJ DeMarco


420 Words | 1 Min 32 Sec Read

You have what's known as a designated 'VPH', and the reason you’re not making the money that you ultimately want to is because your VPH is much lower than it should be.

What is your VPH?

VPH stands for 'Value Per Hour' and refers to how much an hour of your own time is worth.

We all start off with a pretty standard VPH. It’s the reason you get paid £10 an hour at Tesco and £8.50 at McDonald's.

The majority of people are content with that; they assume that's just how life works and don’t bother to try to argue it, but those are the kinds of people that will end up working at Tesco for the rest of their lives.

There are a select few, however, that question the system. They know that there are stupider people out there who are making more money than them, but they just don’t exactly know why.

Well… It all comes down to how much your time is worth, or more specifically, what your VPH is.

How can you increase it?

There is one main way that you can go about increasing your VPH, and that is through the skillset that you have.

Your skills within a specific area

Secondly, it is through the skills you have in a specific area.

You may have a friend who is much stupider than you, but he has a specific skill set in fixing cars and is a mechanic by trade.

Your friend will always be paid more than you because he has a more specific and in-demand skill set than packing shelves.

The way it typically goes is that the more advanced your skill is, the more valuable it is; therefore, the more you are worth.

So if you want to make more money and increase your VPH, pick some skill set that you can put all your attention into developing and become the best and most knowledgeable that you possibly can at that skill.


Start off by doing some research and finding out what skills are in demand, or watch a YouTube video like this one, which will give you four different ones.

From there, all you need to do is take action on learning the skills, and this is where most people mess up and therefore give up.

They get stuck in this cycle of feeling like they aren’t ready to take any action despite having all the information they need, and as a result, they make no progress.


The book of the week is ‘12 Rules For Life’ By Jordan Peterson. in this book Peterson lays out 12 rules that he believes can help people live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @LexFridman, a podcaster who has penetrated the space, interviewing some of the most incredible people on the planet while sharing a ridiculous amount of wisdom. Check him out.


Open mindedness is realizing that there are infinite – yes infinite – perspectives and not just yours.


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