The Millionaire Freelancer

When you hear the word ‘freelancer’ you probably think of nothing more than a mere side hustle, a way to make a bit of pocket money doing odd jobs.

Hey, you’re one of the very few that have access to the Kaizen Sunday edition! You’ll receive an email like this every Sunday covering a business model or a way to make money that you likely haven’t heard of before. You’ll also get a new thing to try for the week ahead as well as some advice from The Kaizen Team



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When you hear the word ‘freelancer’ you probably think of nothing more than a mere side hustle, a way to make a bit of pocket money doing odd jobs.

But when you look more into the world of freelancing, you’ll come to realise that it's not a side hustle, not a career, but a fully fledged business where people who know how to do it correctly and play the game make millions from it.

And that's what we are going to go through in this Sunday edition: How you can make millions from freelancing.

Let's look at a girl named Alex, who is pretty well known for the money she makes freelancing on Fiverr and has surpassed well over $1 million on the platform.

Her skill and style are writing; she ghostwrites e-books and blog posts and charges over $1,000 for a 10,000-word e-book, which she can finish in less than two days.


Yes I do still talk about freelancing on here! Yes I do still think Fiverr is valuable to freelancers. Some things have changed, but then ... See more

She went from making $36,000 a year working in PR to $400k+ using the same skills but selling them in a different marketplace.

So, what makes her so special? Well, nothing. She found a skill that she was good at and figured out how to sell it in the most efficient and rewarding way, which is why she chose freelancing.

But she's not the only one...

There are thousands of people on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork that make millions through the skills that they have because they know how to sell them in the correct way.

If you want to read into Alex’s story more, check out this cover CNBC did for her:

What are the biggest takeaways?

The things that made Alex stand out were his discipline and self-belief to go from a stable job to becoming a freelancer, which is obviously much more risky, and not only that, but sticking with it and learning how to play the game in order to climb to the top.


So, the question becomes, how can you start it yourself?

Here are a few steps that you can use and follow:

  1. Pick a skill. It all starts off with a skill. In Alex’s case, her previous job in PR set her up with the skill of copywriting that she chose to enhance and bring to the freelance world.


    Your skill can be anything; whatever you feel like you have a slight unfair advantage in, use it.


  2. Find the best way to sell that skill. Alex could have pretty easily either stayed in the corporate world or changed to freelancing but still sold her skills in the incorrect way.


    For example, instead of ghostwriting e-books, she could have chosen to write newspaper blurbs and been paid a fraction of the price.


    So it's all about finding the market that values your skills the most.


  3. Become the best you possibly can at your skill. Alex didn’t spawn in at the top of her game. She started off at ground zero and had to work her ass off to get testimonials and scale up to where Fiverr would promote her services more, which meant she had to make sure she was damn good at what she was selling.


How did you find last week's challenge? Did you notice a difference from trying meditation?

Your challenge this week is to try a dopamine detox.

Now, we’re not saying go caveman style and cut out everything, but put a focus on massively reducing everything that gives you those dopamine hits.

TikTok, Instagram, Youtube—all those cheap sources—get rid of them.

Let us know how it goes!


If you have a problem you’ve recently faced or a question you think needs a clear answer, send us an email at [email protected] and in next week's edition, we will feature it anonymously, giving you the best advice we can!

See you next week!